The Scientific Technical Committee “F” had two meetings in 2017: in Paris on February 16th and in Lugano on August 25th. The STC meeting in February had 59 participants of whom 21 were guests, and the meeting in August had 44, of which 14 were guests.
Summary of the STC-F Meeting in Paris on February 16th
Short reports related to the following activities were given:
- The 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2017) by Professor Allwood
- The 49th Plenary assembly of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) by Professor Liewald
- The IDDRG (International Deep Drawing Research Group) 2017 Conference by Professor Merklein
- The International Impulse Forming Group (I2FG) by Professor Tekkaya
Summaries of the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting, which are available on the CIRP website.
CIRP Dictionary / CIRPedia / CIRP JMST
CIRP Dictionary
The Italian version is currently in preparation. New versions are still ongoing jobs before being uploaded to the Springer System.
CIRPedia is an ongoing process. In the first edition, 256 terms had been entered in CIRPedia.
In the second phase, 110 terms have been entered so far. Bottlenecks in the process are the long periods for reviews and revisions.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology:
There were 16 submissions 2016. About 30 reviewers were involved. More submissions are desirable from many countries.
Interaction with other STCs
The Chair mentioned that breakthroughs or great advances often happen at the intersection of knowledge. The objectives of creating the envoy positions are: 1) to introduce activities of other STCs or workgroups to STC-F members, and 2) to provide opportunities to STC-F members, particularly, junior members, to be actively involved in CIRP. The reports from envoys shall summarize key technical aspects presented/discussed in that session and potential collaboration opportunities with other STCs or cross-STC activities. Three reports were made : Reports of STC-S, STC-O and Composite Materials CWG.
- 2017 Keynote ‘Hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts’ – discussion of final paper and draft of powerpoint presentation (Prof. Mori)
Following comments should be implemented in the presentation. 1) Future challenge. 2) Distinguish what is practical and not practical.
- 2018 Keynote ‘Flexibility in metal forming’ – progress report (Prof. Yang)
The paper starts with the categorization first. Professor Yang asked for comments on his present categorization on the flexibility in metal forming; 1) Varying the forming path by not using devoted tool(s), 2) Varying the physical parameters such as geometry, material, temperature, etc., 3) Combining the processes between different forming processes, or combining a conventional forming process with a flexible forming process, or by combining a forming process with a non-forming process such as casting, etc., and 4) Adding Flexibility to the operation of machine, structure, system and operation software, and so on.
- 2019 Keynote ‘Theoretical and Heuristic Prediction of Process Limits in Metal Forming’ (Prof. Volk and Prof. Groche).
Following the previous discussion in the last STC-F meeting in August, the presentation and discussion on this keynote were led by Professor Groche, by the above corrected title of 2019 keynote. A ‘heuristic’ in new title includes the meaning of ‘experimental’ and ‘experience’.
Open discussion and brainstorming on themes and topics for 2020 Keynote
After a brief presentation of the Chair on the past keynote STC-F topics, a typical time line, and the explanation of how the brainstorming session should work, 6 groups were formed to generate the possible candidates of topics in 2020 keynotes.
Short presentations on cross-STC keynote ’Tooling for Metal Forming’
1. Dynamic detection of instability defects in tube rotary draw bending, A. Ghiotti*, S. Bruschi , E. Simonetto, P.F. Bariani (University of Padova)
2. An extrusion method of a tube with a pre-worked rib using a functional mandrel with guides, Takashi Kuboki*, Tsutomu Moroi, Makoto Murata (University of Electro-Communications, Japan
3. Deep drawing with integrated joining processes, A B.-A. Behrens*1, K. Dilge2, S. Hübner1, M. Hehmann1, A. Miller1, G. Wisner2, M. Jalanesh1, A. Spiekermeier1 (1Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2TU Braunschweig)
4. Machine Hammer Peening of Forming Tools for Tribological Improvements, P. Groche*, J. Hohmann, P. Sticht (TU Darmstadt)
5. Extension of process limits in metal forming by means of innovative tooling concepts, Soeren Gies*, Nooman Ben Khalifa, A. Erman Tekkaya (TU Dortmund)
6. Local adjustment of surface integrity of forming tools by adaptation of tool making process, Kolja Andreas*, Marion Merklein (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
7. High performance tools and smart process strategies for more economic hot stamping operations, D. Landgrebe*, W. G. Drossel, B. Müller. M. Werner, N. Pierschel (Fraunhofer IWU)
8. Practical Use of Servo Press Motion and Servo Hydraulic Cushions to Enhance Metal Flow in Stamping, Taylan Altan (The Ohio State University)
9. Methods for improving the durability of forging tools, Zbigniew Gronostajski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
10. Tooling Concepts for Flexible Die-supports in Incremental Sheet Forming, Junying Min*, Michael Rieger, Denis Störkle, Lars Thyssen, Bernd Kuhlenkötter (Ruhr-University Bochum)
Summary of the STC-F Meeting in Lugano on August 25th
Short reports related to the following activities were given:
- The 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2017) by Professor Allwood
- The 49th and 50th Plenary assembly of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) by Professor Liewald
- The IDDRG (International Deep Drawing Research Group) 2017 Conference by Professor Merklein
- The International Impulse Forming Group (I2FG) by Professor Tekkaya
Summaries of the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting, which are available on the CIRP website.
CIRP Dictionary / CIRPedia / CIRP JMST
CIRP Dictionary: Dictionary of Production Engineering, Vol. I/1 and Vol. I/2 “Forming”:
The forming dictionaries for the three languages German, English, and French have been published so far by Springer. The dictionaries are available as books as well as online on the p
CIRPEdia: (Section Forming):
Under revision:
. Bending (Sheets), Joost Duflou
. Cold Forging, Marion Merklein
. Drawing (Wire, Tube), Luigino Filice
. Mechanical Joining, Dirk Landgrebe
. Roll forming, Konstantinos Salonitis, John Paralikas, George Chryssolouris
. Springback, Cedric Xia and Jian Cao
. Thixoforming, Mathias Liewald
. Forge Rolling, Bernd-Arno Behrens
. Incremental Forming, Alexander Brosius
. Stretching, Andreas Sterzing
. Shear Forming, Omer Music
In preparation:
. Embossing, Bernd-Arno Behrens
Magnetic Forming, Erman Tekkaya
. Powder Metallurgy, Jack Jeswiet
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology
Data for the 2017 submissions:
- 4 submissions were already rejected;
- 3 submissions are still under evaluation;
- 12 reviewers were involved;
- 2 submissions are from Europe.
Interaction with other STCs
The Chair stated that envoy reports of other STCs on items of interest to STC-F would be welcome at any STC-F meeting. In STC-G, two reports related to STC-F were presented: ‘Hybrid Manufacturing’ and ‘Deep Drawing together with Injection Molding’.
The STC-S envoy gave an update on STC-S keynotes. Two topics have been proposed for the 2020 keynote: ‘Surface Integrity of Machines Components’ and ‘Manufacturing of Multiscale Structured Surfaces’. The latter was accepted as a keynote. STC-S is also positively promoting the activities of the CWG on Emerging Technologies. The Cross-STC keynote of 2019 is ‘Advanced Manufacturing for Enhancing the Performance and Functionality of Tooling for Metal Forming’. The contents and structure of the paper were presented by Professor Cao.
- Progress report of the 2018 paper on “Flexibility in metal forming” was given by Professor Yang.
Prof. Yang mentioned that the newly categorized flexibility were: 1) varying the forming path without using devoted tools, 2) varying the physical parameters such as geometry, materials, temperature, etc., 3) combining the different forming processes, or combining a conventional forming process with a flexible forming process, or a forming process with a non-forming process such as casting, and 4) flexibility of the operation of machines, structure, systems, and operation software, etc. The contents of the keynote were explained referring to the tentative version of the paper.
- Progress report of the 2019 Cross-STC Keynote “Advanced manufacturing for enhancing the performance and functionality of tooling for metal forming” was reported by Professor Cao, focused on the structure of the keynote.
The paper has four chapters: 1) tooling needs in metal forming processes, 2) tooling fabrication, 3) sensors, and 4) integrated analysis and control.
- Progress report of the 2019 STC-F Keynote ‘Theoretical and Heuristic Prediction of Process Limits in Metal Forming’ was presented by Professor Volk with a focus on paper structure.
Extensive discussions were made in and after the poster session.
- Decision of topic on 2020 Keynote
The Chair summarized the timeline and progress of generating topics of 2020 keynotes. The process will be followed in future years. In the brainstorming session in the Paris meeting this year,18 candidate topics were generated. Then a spreadsheet was used to categorize the topics and it was opened to all members of STC-F for soliciting the topics of interest to members. After a poll, three top choices were merged: 1) artificial intelligence, 2) material modeling and 3) damage in metal forming. The chair communicated with all the members who identified themselves on the spreadsheet. The consensus was reached after the discussion, i.e., artificial intelligence had already been proposed and presented by STC-O, and material modeling overlapping with ‘damage’, which can be consolidated with the topic ‘Damage in metal forming’. The proposal on ‘Damage in Metal Forming: Mechanisms, Origin, Effects & Control’ was selected as the 2020 Keynote from STC-F. Professor Tekkaya was approved as the coordinator of this keynote paper.
Short presentations
- Poster session related to the 2019 STC-F Keynote “Theoretical and Heuristic Prediction of Process Limits in Metal Forming”
Professor Hirt explained the aim of the interactive poster session. Following this explanation, Professor Volk stated that we need to share the common definition of the process limit. He asked to have a look at posters to see where each poster is classified in the ‘Matrix’, taking the failure or phenomenological phenomenon as the horizontal axis. The vertical axis is labeled as the process and loading conditions, which is the German-style categorization. Some classifications on the horizontal axis could be merged, e.g., wrinkling and necking could be merged as instability, or divided on the basis of using the physical phenomena.
The classification of the ‘Matrix’ is the primary target of the discussion. The main topic of this keynote is modelling. After the interactive poster session, the extensive discussions were made. An author team was appointed for each failure or phenomenological phenomenon. Brad Kinsey (geometrical accuracy), Alexander Brosius (wrinkling), Andrea Ghiotti (tool wear), Mathias Liewald (surface defects), Lukasz Madej (cracks), Jun Yanagimoto (residual stresses), Dirk Landgrebe or Gundram Drossel (non-mechanical properties), Wolfram Volk, and Peter Groche
- CIRP member talks on any topic of relevance to STC-F
1. Modified Cross-Wedge Rolling to Create Hollow Shafts, D. Landgrebe*, J. Steger, U. Böhmichen, M. Bergmann (Fraunhofer IWU)
2. Modelling of surface defect evolution in hot rolling of a high Si% steel, M. Nioi, C. Pinna, S. Celotto, E. Swart, D. Farrugia, H. Ghadbeigi* (The University of Sheffield, Tata Steel Europe R&D, Swinden technology centre Tata Steel R&D)
3. Pragmatic approach for determining forming limits of sheet metals DUE to non-linear strain paths, M. Liewald*, K. Drotleff (University of Stuttgart)
4. Stress field determination based on digital image correlation data, A. Brosius*, N. Küsters (TU Dresden)