The Scientific Technical Committee “F” had two meetings in 2018: in Paris on February 22nd and in Tokyo on August 24th. The STC meeting in February had 45 participants of whom 9 were guests, and the meeting in August had 45, of which 15 were guests.

Summary of the STC-F Meeting in Paris on February 22nd


Short reports related to the following activities were given:

  • The 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2017) by Professor Allwood
  • The 50th Plenary meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) by Professor Liewald
  • The 37th IDDRG (International Deep Drawing Research Group) Conference by Professor  Merklein
  • The International Impulse Forming Group (I2FG) by Professor Tekkaya

Summaries of the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting, which are available on the CIRP website.

CIRP Dictionary / CIRPedia / CIRP JMST 

CIRP Dictionary
The forming dictionaries for the three languages German, English, and French have been published and are available as books as well as online on the platform SpringerLink.
Four essays are under review, 10 are under revision and 2 are in preparation in section ‘Forming’ ware made.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology:
Submission status in 2017 was reported. 15 reviewers were involved.

Reports of other STCs and CWGs on items of interest to STC-F

The STC-S envoy, Professor Lukasz Madej, gave an update from STC-S. Discussions on new regulations and the keynote papers regarding the number of authors were made. Four CWGs are active: ‘Composite materials parts manufacturing’, ‘Self-optimizing machining systems’, ‘Urban factories production in cities’ and ‘Emerging fields of technology: Additive Manufacturing’. The CWG on composite materials was disbanded in February, 2018.


(a) 2018 Keynote – discussion of final paper and draft of powerpoint presentation
An outline of the presentation was given by Professor D.Y. Yang. The following comments were made.

  • The presentation and paper begin with ‘motivation’ and ‘megatrends’, but the answers are not given. It is nice to know how flexible processes contribute to ‘motivation’ and ‘megatrends’.
  • Flexible processes have great potential, but their use is limited. There must be trade-offs in deciding the use of flexible processes or not, which is not mentioned in the paper. --- We may need creativity to make a compromise between productivity and flexibility, a theme which should be developed further.

(b) 2019 Keynote – progress report
Professors Volk and Groche reported the progress of the keynote ‘Process Limit in Metal Forming’. The title has been changed since the Lugano meeting. The following comments were made after the presentation.

  • Sheet and bulk forming and hot and cold forming are discussed together. Their separation would help readers understand the paper better because software, criteria, etc., are different.
  • The contents might be too much for one paper, depending on how deeply the models are discussed. Can each of eight topics in ‘process limit in metal forming’ be covered within two pages?

(c) 2020 Keynote
The 2020 keynote ‘Damage in Metal Forming: Mechanisms, Origin, Effects & Control’ was briefly presented by Professor Tekkaya. The following comments were made.

  • Damage might depend on the forming process. Splitting the discussion of damage from that of applications would result in the better understanding of readers.

Open discussion and brainstorming on themes and topics for 2020 Keynote

 After the brainstorming session, 22 topics of interest were summarized. A decision on the topic will be made in the next STC-F meeting on August 24, 2018.
After a brief presentation of the Chair on the past keynote STC-F topics, a typical time line, and the explanation of how the brainstorming session should work, 6 groups were formed to generate the possible candidates of topics in 2020 keynotes.

Short presentations on 2020 keynote ’ Damage in Metal Forming’

One invited presentation was given by Professor Bouchard and eight short presentations related to 2020 keynote were made.

Summary of the STC-F Meeting in Tokyo on August 24th


Short reports related to the following activities were given:

  • The 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2017) by Professor Utsunomiya
  • Plenary assembly of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) at Ohio State by Professor Liewald
  • The IDDRG (International Deep Drawing Research Group) 2018 Conference by Professor  Merklein
  • The International Impulse Forming Group (I2FG) by Professor Tekkaya

Summaries of the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting, which are available on the CIRP website. 

CIRP Dictionary / CIRPedia / CIRP JMST

 CIRP Dictionary: Dictionary of Production Engineering, Vol. I/1 and Vol. I/2 “Forming”:
The forming dictionaries for the three languages German, English, and French have been published and are available as books as well as online on the platform SpringerLink.
CIRPEdia: (Section Forming): Three essays are under review, one essay is under revision and two essays are in preparation.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology
In the first six months of 2018 we had six more submissions, two of which are still under review, two were rejected, and for the last two, the authors were asked to make revisions.

Interaction with other STCs

 The chair summarized the discussions in the cross-STC meeting.

  • Currently, there are three on-going CWGs: Self-organization machining systems, Urban factories production in cities, and Additive manufacturing.
  • Two CWGs were proposed: Industrial symbiosis in discrete manufacturing (Prof. Joost Duflou), which was presented in the last STC-F meeting and supported by STC-F, and Biological transformation in manufacturing (Prof. Gerry Byrne). The key point of the second proposal is to look at the bio-inspiration, integration, and interaction of manufacturing systems. Rather than simply discussing bio-inspired texture, it will focus on how we integrate systems for biological materials and how digital manufacturing could interact with human-developed machines. STC-F supports this activity, and our support will be reported in the Liaison committee.
  • ‘Biological transformation in manufacturing’ CWG will start in February of 2019. The following discussion and comments were made on this proposal.
  • ‘Industrial symbiosis in discrete manufacturing’ CWG will start in next August.

 Prof. Lukasz Madej reported that one of the future keynotes from STC-S on ‘Surface defects’ will be interesting for STC-F. Also, there were a lot of discussions on collaborations with other STCs.

 The Chair proposes more interactions with other STCs. We need to look at how to bring the best ideas and most innovative activities to STC-F. This issue may be on the agenda in February.

  • Forming community deals with concrete and basic topics. Our topics are relatively well-established compared to visionary ideas and thoughts in other fields. We may need to introduce more innovative and hot topics.
  • The discussion is probably not just limited to a cross STC, but includes what we can do and propose to benefit other STCs. A brainstorming session will be organized in February, for example, to continue the discussion. The organization of the next STC-F should be changed from the usual one. Comments on the agenda and the above discussion via e-mail are welcome.
  • Also, any volunteers to work on cross-STC activities are always welcome. 


Progress report and discussion on the 2019 paper on “Process Limit in Metal Forming” by Prof. Volk and Prof. Groche 
An outline of the presentation was given by Prof. P. Groche and Prof. W. Volk.

  • Models should be presented with examples. We have many models, e.g., geometrical model, flow stress model, etc.
  • Accuracy is used to validate something and precision is used for verification. ‘Robustness’ has a stochastic feature.
  • CIRP has a new time line, i.e., submit a keynote by November 1. It would be better to obtain a review from STC-F colleagues before the submission..

Progress report and discussion on the 2020 STC-F keynote ‘Damage in Metal Forming: Mechanisms, Origin, Effects & Control’ by Prof. Tekkaya
An outline of the presentation was given by Prof. A. E. Tekkaya.

  • Damage is created during plastic deformation. During plastic deformation, various mechanisms are induced: cold work hardening, subgrains, grain refinement, etc. Does the paper summarize them all as damage? – The summary is the goal of the paper. Damage is affected by residual stresses, microstructure evolution, work hardening, etc. The paper aims to differentiate all the other effects from the damage.
  • Acoustic emission is missing in the crack formation part. Some works on this were made in the late 90s to early 2000s.
  • Ultrasonic gauge measurement can be referred to in the part on damage measurement using acoustic emissio 

Presentation and selection of 2021 keynote paper: ideas and discussion
The following proposals on the 2021 keynote have been presented.
”Forming of new materials II (sandwich materials, mixed materials, composites, non-metallic materials)” by Prof. Bruschi
This keynote will discuss metal and non-metallic materials such as metals with composites and mixed materials, and sandwich materials. In other words, the proposed keynote discusses forming-based multi-materials.

 ”Simulation of metal forming processes (multi-scale, springback)” by Dr. Mihaela Banu and Prof. J. Yanagimoto
This keynote intends to forecast the contribution of metal forming simulations to upcoming forming processes – from the micro- to macroscale - in the factories of the future (Industry 4.0), and reinforce the role of simulations as computational (virtual) experiments and tools for the high-fidelity numerical visualization and quantification of unknown and un-measurable phenomena in formed components and their assembly.

 In the on-line vote after the discussion, the first proposal ”Forming of new materials II (sandwich materials, mixed materials, composites, non-metallic materials)” received 26 ballots and the second proposal received 17. The first proposal was selected as the keynote paper for year 2021. The keynote on simulation can be discussed as a candidate cross-STC keynote.

Short presentations

One invited presentation “Effect of ductile damage accumulation on cold formability and edge crack sensitivity of multiphase sheet steels” was presented by Professor S. Münstermann (Steel Institute IEHK, RWTH Aachen University). Six presentations were given. 

Special session

Professor Marciniak’s special session to celebrate his 100th birthday was held from 2pm to 4pm at Nishiki room on the 4th floor.