The Scientific Technical Committee “F” had two meetings in 2019: in Paris on February 21st and in Birmingham on August 23rd. The STC meeting in February had 52 participants of whom 10 were guests, and the meeting in August had 43, of which 11 were guests.
Summary of the STC-F Meeting in Paris on February 21st
Short reports related to the following activities were given:
- The 13th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2020) by Professor Utsunomiya
- The 51st Plenary meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) by Professor Liewald
- The IDDRG (International Deep Drawing Research Group) Conference by Professor Merklein
- The International Impulse Forming Group (I2FG) by Professor Tekkaya
Summaries of the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting, which are available on the CIRP website.
CIRP Dictionary / CIRPedia / CIRP JMST
CIRP Dictionary
The forming dictionaries for three languages, German, English, and French, have been published and are available as books as well as online on the platform SpringerLink.
In the “Forming” section, everything has been completed.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology:
Submission status in 2018 was reported.
Reports of other STCs and CWGs on items of interest to STC-F
The following approval process and ongoing cross-STC activities were reported by the chair.
1) Approval process (takes about one year) and next opportunity:
- Presentation at the cross-STC meeting (no later than Aug. 2019) directly (not in supporting STCs).
- Liaison committee approval (no later than Feb. 2020)
- Next starting opportunity: Aug. 2020
- Topic discussed at STC-F: Using artificial intelligence for quality assurance in production engineering – This topic was presented by Professor Merklein and Dr. Lechner in 2018 and is pending at the moment owing to the limitation on the number of CWGs.
2) Current CWGs (maximum of 4 at the same time)
- Self-optimizing machining systems (Aug. 2016 – July 2019, will finish soon)
- Urban factories production in cities (Aug. 2017 – July 2020)
- Additive manufacturing (Feb. 2018 – Jan. 2021)
(a) 2019 Keynote – discussion of final paper and draft of powerpoint presentation
Prof. Volk presented the 2019 keynote on ‘Models and modeling for process limits’.
(b) 2020 Keynote – progress report
Prof. Tekkaya presented the current version of the 2020 keynote. The first version comprises 24 pages with 184 references. This keynote will be co-authored with Profs. P. O. Bouchard, S. Bruschi, and C. Tasan. Damage is represented by a void with a size greater than 0.1 m.
(c) 2021 Keynote – progress report
Prof. Bruschi introduced the tentative outline of the keynote: Introduction, Composite materials,
Forming-based processes, and New trends and outlook. The title has been changed to is ‘Forming of metal-based composite materials’ after the disciussion. Eight poster presentations were made related to this topic.
Open discussion and brainstorming on themes and topics for 2020 Keynote
The topic will be decided in August 2019. The timeline, the last 20 keynotes, and spreadsheet on the results of brainstorming session were presented. The candidate topics of the 2022 keynote will be selected from among the present topics given in spreadsheet obtained in the 2018 brainstorming session.
Preparation for officer election
The Chair announced the procedure of officer election in Aug. 2019.
Short presentations
Nine short presentations were made.
Summary of the STC-F Meeting in Birmingham on August 23rd
Short reports related to the following activities were given:
- The 13th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2020) by Professor Utsunomiya
- The 51st Plenary meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) by Professor Liewald
- The IDDRG (International Deep Drawing Research Group) 2019 Conference by Professor Merklein
- The International Impulse Forming Group (I2FG) by Professor Tekkaya
- The 9th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (ICTMP) by Professor Cao
Summaries of the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting, which are available on the CIRP website.
CIRP Dictionary / CIRPedia / CIRP JMST
CIRP Dictionary: Forming dictionaries have been published in three languages, English, German, and French, and are available as books as well as online on the platform SpringerLink. The Italian translation of the forming dictionaries is finished, and Volume I is now completed and has been available online through Springer since Jan. 2019 in three languages (English/German/Italian).
CIRPEdia: (Section Forming): The 2nd edition of CIRPedia is completed and is available online. A printed (static) version was published in May 2019 by Springer in two volumes.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology
In the first 6 months of 2019 we had four more submissions. Moreover, the revision process of a previous submission has been completed and the revised manuscipt has been accepted.
Interaction with other STCs
Activities of following groups were reported.
1) Cross-STC activities - A new CWG proposal - Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing (Gao, Merklein, etc.)
2) CWG ‘Additive manufacturing’
3) CWG ‘Biologicalization’
4) CWG ‘Industrial Symbiosis’
5) CWG ‘Urban Factories Production in Cities’
6) STC-S
Summaries of the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting, which are available on the CIRP website.
Officer election (open only to STC-F regular members)
After discussions by the regular fellow, associate, and corporate members, Prof. Hirt was elected as the Chair of STC-F, Prof. Yanagimoto was elected as the Vice Chair and Prof. Bruschi was elected as the Secretary. Prof. Martens was elected as the special ambassador of STC-F for education and inclusion.
(a) 2020 keynote – progress report
The fourth progress report was given by Prof. Tekkaya. The final paper will be submitted on Nov. 1. The current version is the first complete draft so modifications and corrections can be made in accordance with the comments from the STC-F community.
(b) 2021 keynote – progress report
The second progerss report on 2021 keynote ‘Forming of metal-based composite materials’ was made by Prof. Bruschi.
(c) Presentation and selection of 2022 keynote paper: ideas and discussion
The following proposals on the 2022 keynote have been presented.
1) Simulation of metal forming processes by Prof. Jun Yanagimoto
2) Artificial intelligence in metal forming - data and sensing by Prof. Jian Cao
3) Fundamental mechanics and future opportunities of stress superposition in metal forming by Prof. Erman Tekkaya
After the paper ballots, ‘Simulation of metal forming processes’ gathered the most votes, and it was selected as the topic of the STC-F 2022 keynote.
Short presentations
Eight short presentations were made.
Prof. Cao concluded the STC-F meeting this year. She completed her three-year period of service as the Chair. Prof. Hirt presented her an incrementally-formed plate and all STC-F members expressed their deep gratitude to her service of three years as the Chair as well as nine years as an officer of STC-F.