The CIRP Dictionaries of Production Engineering cover definitions and terminology for manufacturing processes, machines, tools, materials and systems formulated by the Scientific Committees (STC) while the Terminology Committee carries the responsibility for the publication. They are aimed to provide manufacturing engineers, practitioners and students a reliable source of knowledge to support the shift of their professional horizon from local to international. The CIRP Dictionaries of Production Engineering address the broad field of production engineering and are organized in multiple volumes focused on a specific topic related to manufacturing processes and systems, namely metal forming processes, material removal processes, manufacturing systems, and assembly processes. The CIRP Dictionaries of Production Engineering cover multiple languages: English, German, French and Italian.

Trilingual edition German-English-French


 Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik, Dictionary of Production Engineering, Dictionnaire des Techniques de Production Mécanique Vol. I/1 (2015)
Umformtechnik 1 / Metal Forming 1 / Formage 1
The volume on "Metal Forming" addresses a central part in production engineering, i.e., the process of shape change by plastic deformation without loss of material. The terms cover the technical details of forming of components and its corresponding machinery and equipment and their control. In addition, the dictionary considers relevant issues related to tribology, heat treatment, product properties, failure modes, quality assurance, operational aspects as well as general manufacturing viewpoints. The first part of this volume (I/1) addresses general terms of metal forming, rolling, drawing and extrusion processes.


vol i 2

 Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik, Dictionary of Production Engineering, Dictionnaire des Techniques de Production Mécanique Vol. I/2 (2015)
Umformtechnik 2 / Metal Forming 2 / Formage 2
The volume on "Metal Forming" addresses a central part in production engineering, i.e., the process of shape change by plastic deformation without loss of material. The terms cover the technical details of forming of components and its corresponding machinery and equipment and their control. In addition, the dictionary considers relevant issues related to tribology, heat treatment, product properties, failure modes, quality assurance, operational aspects as well as general manufacturing viewpoints. The second part of this volume (I/2) addresses hot forging and die forging, cold and warm forging, bending, deep drawing and stretch drawing, incremental forming, forming with working media, forming with magnetic fields, cutting by forming, joining by forming.


vol ii

 Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik, Dictionary of Production Engineering, Dictionnaire des Techniques de Production Mécanique Vol. II (2004)
Verfahren / Material Removal Processes / Procédés d’enlèvement de matière
This volume on "Material Removal" contains terms and definitions of the most important cutting processes of surface working (turning, drilling, milling, planning, slotting, broaching), abrasive processes (grinding, polishing, honing, lapping) and physical processes (erosion, laser beam removal, electron and ion beam machining, etc). Furthermore, the corresponding tools, machines and processes are described, complemented by general terms and definitions of production engineering and physical fundamentals, structure and properties of surfaces and the effects of machining on the surface quality.



vol iii

 Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik, Dictionary of Production Engineering, Dictionnaire des Techniques de Production Mécanique Vol. III (2004)
Produktionssysteme / Manufacturing Systems / Systèmes de Production

This volume on “Manufacturing Systems” addresses the organizations in the manufacturing industry. With more than 700 terms the volume addresses general technical details of parts manufacturing and assembling and the corresponding machinery and equipment, but also topics related to the functioning of production systems: the handling and flow of materials in production, organizational aspects, planning and control, quality management, and the economic aspects of production such as investments, cost, capacity, time, etc. 



vol iv

 Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik, Dictionary of Production Engineering, Dictionnaire des Techniques de Production Mécanique Vol. IV (2011)
Montage / Assembly / Assemblage
This volume on “Assembly” addresses a central part in production engineering, namely the final stages of most of the production processes, where a finished product is obtained through the assembling of multiple parts and components. With more than 1,000 terms the volume deals with the technical details of assembly processes and its corresponding machinery and equipment but also considers relevant aspects related to planning and deploying assembly systems. The volume covers the operation of assembly systems, the handling and flow of materials, the organization, planning and control of assembly operations, quality management and the economic aspects.



Trilingual edition English-German-Italian 

vol 1 italien

 Dictionary of Production Engineering I - Metal Forming, Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik I - Umformtechnik, Dizionario di Ingegneria della Produzione I - Formatura dei Metalli (2019)
This trilingual edition of the CIRP Dictionary of Production Engineering was compiled under the auspices of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP). Volume I contains about 2650 terms for metal forming. They include: general terms of metal forming, rolling, drawing, extrusion. hot and die forging, cold and warm forging and sheet metal working, joining and cutting by forming, incremental forming, forming with magnetic fields and with working media. Definitions are provided for all terms, together with illustrations and reference to national and international standards. Alphabetical indices for each of the three languages provide easy access to the terms.


vol 2 italien

Dictionary of Production Engineering II - Material Removal Processes, Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik II - Trennende Verfahren, Dizionario di Ingegneria della Produzione II - Processi di asportazione di materiale (2020)
This trilingual edition of the CIRP Dictionary of Production Engineering was compiled under the auspices of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP). Volume II contains about 2000 terms for material removal processes. They include: Cutting processes; Abrasive and physical processes and Surface properties. Definitions are provided for all terms, together with illustrations and reference to national and international standards. Alphabetical indices for each of the three languages provide easy access to the terms.



vol 3 italien

 Dictionary of Production Engineering III – Manufacturing Systems, Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik III – Produktionssysteme, Dizionario di Ingegneria della Produzione III – Sistemi di produzione (2020)
This trilingual edition of the CIRP Dictionary of Production Engineering was compiled under the auspices of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP). Volume III contains about 700 terms for manufacturing systems. They include fundamental terms of manufacturing, machining systems, machine peripherals, information and communication systems, material-flow systems, production planning and production optimization. Definitions are provided for all terms, together with illustrations and reference to national and international standards. Alphabetical indices for each of the three languages provide easy access to the terms.



vol 4 italien

Dictionary of Production Engineering IV - Assembly, Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik IV - Montage, Dizionario di Ingegneria della Produzione IV - Assemblaggio (2020)
This trilingual edition of the CIRP Dictionary of Production Engineering was compiled under the auspices of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP). Volume IV contains about 1000 terms for assembly. They include: general terms, assembly systems, assembly processes, assembly organization, assembly planning and assembly operations. Definitions are provided for all terms, together with illustrations and reference to national and international standards. Alphabetical indices for each of the three languages provide easy access to the terms.



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Former multi-lingual Dictionaries

Some of the former multilingual CIRP Dictionaries (published from 1962 to 1984) are still available at the CIRP office (contact us).
English-French-German version:

(Vol. 1 : Forging And Drop Forging / Out of print)
(Vol. 2 : Grinding - Surface Roughness / Out of print)
(Vol. 3 : Sheet Metal Forming / Out of print)
(Vol. 4 : Fundamental Terms Of Cutting / Out of print)
Vol. 5 : Cold Extrusion And Upsetting
Vol. 6 : Planning, Slotting, Broaching, Turning
Vol. 7 : Drilling, Countersinking/Counterboring, Reaming, Thread Production
Vol. 8 : Milling, Sawing, Gear Manufacturing
(Vol. 9 : Electrochemical, Electrodischarge, Electronbeam, Photonen Beam (Laser) And Chemical Machining / Out of print)

Vol. 1 is also available in German-Spanish-Italian-Portuguese version.
Vol. 1 is also available in Danish-Norwegian-Swedish-Finish version.