World leading Organization in Production Engineering Research

 with an international network of 600 worldwide eminent researchers and industrialists

Leading Edge Research in

Design, Optimization, Control and Management of Processes, Machines and Systems

CIRP aims to promote Research and Development

to contribute to Environmentally Sustainable Global prosperity and Well being of society

73rd CIRP General Assembly in  Thessaloniki, Greece

18 - 24 August 2024 

The next CIRP General Assembly will be held in person in Thessaloniki, Greece. It is open to CIRP Members, CIRP Research Affiliates, and Members’ Guests.

Please find all information and conditions to register, with a link to the local Organizing Committee, see the programme, get the lists of the papers and keynote papers published in the CIRP Annals, invite a guest, get the Agendas of the Scientific Technical Committees (STCs) and Collaborative Working-Groups (CWGs) meetings.



CIRP Conferences :
Sun, Sep 15 - Thu, Sep 19
13th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2024]
CIRP Conferences :
Wed, Sep 25 - Fri, Sep 27
3rd CIRP Conference on Composite Parts Manufacturing

Why do companies join CIRP

Many of the world's leading companies and non-university based research institutions, as well as many other small and medium size enterprises are already affiliated to CIRP as Corporate members. At present their number is 170 from 30 countries.




CIRP Directory 2024   updated 31 March 2024

CIRP ANNALS 2024: Link to the papers

Photos from last GAs

Access to the CIRP Newsletters

 Scientific Groups

CIRP gathers many Scientific Groups: Scientific Technical Committees (STCs) in ten different technological areas, the cross-STC group, several Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs), the Corporate Member Advisory Group (CMAG), the Terminology Committee and the Research Affiliates group...

 About Cirp

CIRP is the world leading organization in production engineering research and is at the forefront of design, optimization, control and management of processes, machines and systems. Its restricted Membership is based on demonstrated excellence in research...



CIRP mainly publishes two regular journals, the CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology and the CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (printed and online), as well as the series of tri-lingual CIRP Dictionaries and the CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering available on hard copy or online...



Many of the world's leading companies are affiliated to CIRP as Corporate members. You will find some of them in this rotating banner.