Council 2024-2025
The Council includes the Board Members and six other Council Members.
Click on the names to get access to a short bio:
President: Prof. B. Denkena (Germany)
Vice President: Dr. A. Balsamo (Italy)
Vice President Elect: Prof. S. Kara (Australia)
Past President: Prof. F. Fang (China)
Secretary General Treasurer: Prof. D. Dumur (France)
Technical Secretary: Prof. K. Erkorkmaz (Canada)
Council members:
Prof. D. Biermann (Germany)
Dr. E. Budak (Turkey)
Prof. A. Matsubara (Japan)
Prof. B. Mullany (Ireland)
Prof. J. Sutherland (USA)
Prof. J. Vancza (Hungary)
Committees 2024-2025
Communication Committee:
Profs. B. Denkena (Chair), A. Balsamo, S. Kara, F. Fang, D. Dumur, K. Erkorkmaz, Y. Altintas, J. Vancza, M. Davies, R. Schmitt, T. Tolio, M. Urgo, H. van Brussel
Editorial Committee (CIRP Annals):
Profs. J. Aurich, P. Bartolo, E. Budak, J. Cao, M. Davies (Vice Chair), A. Donmez, H. Hansen, J. Krüger, I. Lazoglu, D. Lucca, P. Martins, N. Michailidis, S. Newman, J. Vancza (Chair)
Finance Committee:
Profs. H. Hansen, J.-M. Linares, D. Lucca (Chair)
Membership Committee: (Chair: Dr. A. Balsamo)
- Credentials Subcommittee: Profs. P. Arrazola, J. Cao, M. Merklein, N. Michailidis, Y. Takaya
- Nominations Subcommittee: Profs. S. Bruschi, J. Duflou, A. Matsubara, R. Stark, R. Wilhelm
F.W. Taylor Medal Award Committee:
Profs. C. Brecher, S. Bruschi, K. Erkorkmaz, Y. Umeda , R. Wilhelm (Chair)
General Pierre Nicolau Award Committee:
Profs. M. Mitsuishi (Chair), H. Hansen, B. Lauwers
Liaison Committee
STC : Chairman (Ch), Vice Chairman (V-Ch), Secretary (S)
STC A : Y. Umeda (Ch), L. Wang (V-Ch), S. Thiede (S)
STC C : S. Melkote (Ch), P. Arrazola (V-Ch), V. Schulze (S)
STC Dn: T. Tomiyama (Ch), N. Anwer (V-Ch), A. Liu (S)
STC E: F. Pfefferkorn (Ch), A. Clare (V-Ch), W. Wits (S)
STC F: J. Yanagimoto (Ch), S. Bruschi (V-Ch), B. Kinsey (S)
STC G: C. Heinzel (Ch), E. Da Silva (V-Ch), P. Krajnik (S)
STC M: M. Zaeh (Ch), K. Erkorkmaz (V-Ch), H-C. Möhring (S)
STC O: T. Tolio (Ch), A. Nassehi (V-Ch), T. Kaihara (S)
STC P: A. Archenti (Ch), Y. Takaya (V-Ch), E. Morse (S)
STC S: H. Haitjema (Ch), G. Tosello (V-Ch), D. Meyer (S)
Cross-STC co-Chairs: D. Biermann and J. Sutherland
Terminology Committee: R. Schmitt (Ch), M. Urgo (V-Ch), F. Laroche (S)
CMAG: Y. Murtezaoglu (Ch), L. Uriarte (V-Ch), K. Erkorkmaz (V-Ch), Y. Nonaka (S)
CIRP Annals - Editorial Cttee: J. Vancza (Ch), M. Davies (V-Ch)
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science & Technology (JMST): Y. Altintas (Editor-in-Chief)
CIRP Novel Topics (CNTPE): T. Tolio (Editor-in-Chief)