The Scientific Technical Committee “F” had two meetings in 2016: in Paris on February 18th and in Guimaraes on August 26th. The STC meeting in February had 43 participants of whom 13 were guests, and the meeting in August had 39, of which 12 were guests.

Summary of the STC Meeting in Paris on February 18th


Short reports related to the following activities were given:
• ICTP - The 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (2017) (reported by Prof. Allwood)
• ICFG - The 48th Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (reported by Prof. Liewald)
• IDDRG - The IDDRG 2016 (International Deep Drawing Research Group) (reported by Prof. Merklein)
• I2FG - The 2015 workshop of the I2FG (International Impulse Forming Group)
(reported. by Prof. Tekkaya)
Summaries of the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting, which are available on the CIRP website.

CIRP Dictionary / CIRPEDIA

CIRP Dictionary: Dictionary of Production Engineering, Vol. I/1 and Vol. I/2 “Forming”:
The forming dictionaries for the three languages German, English and French have been published by Springer. The dictionaries are available now as books as well as online on SpringerLink.

Italian translation: The complete data for volumes 1 to 4 were delivered in November 2015 to Springer. The whole set of terms shall be evaluated for consistency and completeness. The dictionaries will then be separated into bilingual sets. From bilingual sets Springer will be preparing German/Italian and Italian/German first, followed by other sets like English/Italian.

Turkish translation: The translations for the forming dictionary have been completed and their revision within an internal quality control loop has been already carried out in Dortmund. The complete sets of data will be sent in February 2016 to Springer. 

CIRPEDIA: A list of 33 contributions that had already been published were presented in the draft minutes
The following terms were under review
• Friction Andrea Ghiotti
• FE Analysis Bernd-Arno Behrens
The following terms were in preparation
• Mechanical Joining Dirk Landgrebe
The following new topics have been assigned as follows:
• Thixoforming Mathias Liewald
• Embossing Bernd-Arno Behrens
• Flattening/levelling Lander Galdos
• Magnetic Forming A. Erman Tekkaya
• Upset Bulging Markus Bambach, Bernd-Arno Behrens
(short report by Prof. Behrens)

CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology

There were 20 submissions 2015 and so far 1 submission in 2016.
About 35 reviewers were involved. (short report by Prof. Fratini)

Keynote Papers

A final version of the paper and the proposed presentation for the 2016 keynote paper, “Closed-loop control of product properties in metal forming” were introduced by Prof. Allwood and then discussed in further detail.

Progress report and discussion on the 2017 keynote paper “Hot stamping” led by Prof. Mori. Prof. Mori presented an overview of the content and the schedule based on early draft of the paper. Various comments and additional aspects were mentioned during the discussion.

Future Keynotes: Based on the discussion in August 2015, it was clear that there was significant interest in a keynote paper in the broad areas of material characterization and modelling. To stimulate discussion the chairman introduced the field with a set of slides in which he asked the following questions:

• As we will never have all the underlying physics, what can we expect?
• What are models and tests intended for?
• Why do we really want models?
In a vivid discussion various aspects were brought up. In conclusion Professor Volk agreed to work on a proposal trying to structure the contents of the discussion and presenting the result in August.

Short Technical Presentations:

1. M. Merklein, M. Lechner, M. Graser: Tailor Heat Treated Profiles (THTP) –Flexibility by tailored mechanical properties
2. T. Kuboki, S. Kajikawa: Dieless flexible forming processes on tube
3. Ghiotti*, S. Bruschi, M.F. Novella, P.F. Bariani: Temperature‐supported rotary forming for aluminium car wheels manufacturing
4. Ramona Hölker-Jäger, Nooman, Ben Khalifa, A. Erman Tekkaya: Application and development of additive manufacturing in metal forming
5. Tomoyoshi Maeno, Kenichiro Mori, Mitsuru Nakamura: Plastic coating using waste heat of hot stamping
6. M. Merklein, K. Andreas: Influence of surface integrity on tool lifeof cold forging tools
7. Lukasz Madej, Henryk Paul,Konrad Perzyński: Multi scale approach to numerical simulation of explosive welding technology

Summary of the STC Meeting in Guimaraes on August 28th


Short reports related to the following activities were given:
• ICTP - The 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (2017) (reported by Prof. Allwood)
• ICFG - The 2016 Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (reported by Prof. Liewald)
• IDDRG - The 2016 and 2017 conferences of the International Deep Drawing Research Group
(reported by Prof. Merklein)
• I2FG - The 2016 conference on High Speed Forming within the activities of The International Impulse Forming Group and the 2018 International Conference on High Speed Forming.
(reported by Prof. Tekkaya)

Summaries of the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting, which are available on the CIRP website.

CIRP Dictionary / CIRPEDIA

CIRP Dictionary: Dictionary of Production Engineering, Vol. I/1 and Vol. I/2 “Forming”:
The forming dictionaries for the three languages German, English, and French have been published by Springer. The dictionaries are available now as books as well as online on SpringerLink.

The Italian translation of the dictionaries is finished and the terms have been restructured according to the German/English/French version. The new data have been delivered to Springer and will be separated into bilingual sets.

The translations of the forming dictionaries into Turkish have been completed including a revision within an internal quality control loop. The publishing of the Turkish version in books and online will be discussed with Springer. Especially the number of the bilingual sets and the financial issues have to be clarified. 
(report by Prof. Chatti)

CIRPedia: At present, 37 contributions have been made under the subject ‘Forming’.
Under review:
• Cold Forging, Marion Merklein
• Drawing (wire, tube), Luigino Filice
• Springback, Cedric Xia and Jian Cao
Under revision:
• Mechanical Joining, Dirk Landgrebe
In preparation:
• Bending (sheets), Joost Duflou
• Roll Forming, Konstantinos Salonitis, John Paralikas, George Chryssolouris ,
• Roll Leveling, Lander Galdos
• Thixoforming, Mathias Liewald
• Embossing, Bernd-Arno Behrens
• Magnetic Forming, Erman Tekkaya
• Upset Bulging, M. Bambach, Bernd-Arno Behrens
New terms:
To be discussed in Paris 2017
As a new feature, CIRPedia now supports to upload animations and short video sequences.
(reported by Prof. Behrens)

CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology

29 submissions were managed. 5 reviews in progress. 2 submissions in second round of
reviewing. About 50 reviewers were involved. (prepared by Prof. Fratini)

Keynote Papers

Discussions on scheduled Keynote papers:
• Progress report and discussion on the 2017 Keynote paper on “Hot stamping” by Prof. Mori.
The presentation was based on a preliminary draft version of this paper. In the discussion various modifications were suggested which are listed in detail in the minutes. (reported by Prof. Mori)
• Progress report and discussion on the 2018 Keynote paper on “Flexibility in metal forming” by Prof. Yang. Professor Yang presented an overview on the topic, which also included a preliminary approach to define categories of flexibility. (reported by Prof. Yang)
• Based on a presentation by Prof. Volk and subsequent discussion the general topic “Material Characterisation in Metal Forming” was selected to become the 2019 Keynote paper. It was decided that there will be a special time slot in February to discuss in more detail the gap between “testing and modelling” in science” and “testing and modelling in industry”. This will be prepared by Professors Groche and Volk.

The following potential cross-STC Keynotes were presented and discussed:
• Professor Jian Cao presented the status as well as received feedback related to the topic “Advanced Manufacturing for Enhancing the Performance and Functionality of Tooling for Metal Forming”. It was concluded that next February the short presentation session shall be dedicated to this keynote.


16 papers were presented in Part I of the General Assembly in Guimaraes.
The following short presentations were given in the concluding presentation session of Part II:

1. T. Kuboki, S. Kajikawa: Flexible forming processes from / to sheet metals
2. M Bambach: Increasing flexibility by combining metal forming and additive manufacturing
3. N. Ben Khalifa, A. E. Tekkaya: Flexible tube and profile forming processes
4. M. Liewald: Flexible Semi solid forming of tubular components
5. G. Venturato, E. Simonetto, A. Ghiotti, S. Bruschi, P.F. Bariani: Modelling of hot rotary draw bending for thin-walled titanium alloy tubes
6. P. Groche: Linear flow splitting in view of different kind of flexibility
7. W. Volk, C. Hartmann, D. Opritescu: Individualized sheet metal part production by automated driving – A complement to state-of-the-art incremental sheet forming
8. M. Zecevic, T.J. Roemer, M. Knezevic, Y.P. Korkolis, B. L. Kinsey: Microstructural Evolution and Failure Assesment during Incremental Bending and Tension of AA-6022_T4
9. L. Madey: Digital reconstruction of porous metallic microstructures
10. K. Kitamura, T. Makino, H. Mori, M. Matsui: Synergistic effect of diamond-like carbon coating and lubricant oil in cold forging