The Scientific Technical Committee “F” had two meetings in 2013: in Paris on January 24th and in Copenhagen on August 23rd. As usual for the STC “F”, both meetings were well attended. The STC meeting in January had 50 participants of whom 10 were guests, and the meeting in August had 46, of which 8 were guests.

Summary of the STC Meeting in Paris on January 24th


ICTP - The 11th ICTP will be held in Atsuta-ku - Nagoya (Japan) from October 19th to 24th, 2014. It is organized by the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP). The host will be Prof. T. Ishikawa, Nagoya University, President of JSTP. A tentative list of Cooperating Organizations include JSPE, ISIJ, JIM, JSME, JILM, JBMA, ICEM, IISI, SMSJ, JSPPM, CIRP, ICFG, IDDRG, ITA, Nagoya City, Nagoya University. Tentative schedule for paper submission and acceptance and delegate registration are available in the conference website  Further details on the event can be asked to Prof. Ishikawa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) . With the aim of continous improvement of the management of ICTP and especially of the quality of papers submitted for publication and presentation, professor M. Kiuchi, chairman of the ICTP, proposed the formation inside the ICTP of a “the task-force”. The members participants in this task force are M.Kiuchi (chairman), G. Hirt, A.E. Tekkaya, C.G. Kang, P.F. Bariani and K. Mori (secretary). Main results of the work done by this task force are in the recent document "Terms of Understanding on Principal Policy for ICTP Conference". These results include an important agreement between the ICTP Conference and the JMPT (Journal of Material Processing Technology) for publishing in the international journal high quality papers selected from those submitted to the Conference. Copy of the document can be asked to professors Kiuchi or Mori.

ICFG - The 45th Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) was held from September 09th to 12th, 2012 in Nagoya (Japan), hosted by Prof. Ishikawa from Nagoya University and President of JSTP. The Plenary Meeting was attended by 93 participants (42 from academia and 51 from industry) from 15 countries. Details on the programme (subgroup meetings, keynotes and technical presentations, industrial visits) are available in the conference website The 46th ICFG Plenary Meeting will be hosted by Prof. Dubar from University of Valenciennes in France. The meeting is scheduled for September 15th to 18th, 2013 in Paris. Details are available in the ICFG webside

IDDRG - The 2012 IDDRG Conference was held from November 25th to 28th, 2012 in Bombay (India). Most of information is available in the website The IDDRG 2013 Conference will be held in Zurich, Switzerland from 2-5 June 2013 and hosted by Prof. Pavel Hora, Institute of virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich. The conference will mainly focus on the topics of virtual robustness prediction, advanced constitutive modeling, new perspectives in failure prediction as well as further development of the simulation tools. For further information please visit the conference website Abstracts are still being accepted through Prof. Hora. 

CIRP Terminology Committee and CIRPedia Section

Prof. Tekkaya, Vice-Chair of the Committee, reported that final quality check is being checked now. 40% has been finalized. 25 essays (20 essays from STC-F) were submitted. A chair of the subarea – forming – is being sought right now.

Scheduled Keynote Papers

Progress and discussion on the 2013 keynote paper “Joining by plastic deformation” by Professors Mori, Micari, Fratini, Tekkaya and Bay were made. Professor Mori reviewed the publication schedule and presented a short-version of the paper.

Progress and discussion on the 2014 Internal-Session keynote paper “Testing and modelling of material behavior and formability in sheet metal forming processes” by Professors Bruschi, Altan, Banabic, Bariani, Brosius, Cao, Ghiotti, Khraisheh, Merklein and Tekkaya were made.

Keynote Proposals for 2016

One proposal received from Prof. Mori on “Hot Stamping” with Merkelein, Yanagimoto and Azushima. Prof. Mori made a short presentation. Proposals can be submitted to the officers before the next August meeting.

Presentations on the subjects related to the 2015 Keynote Paper

  1. Cao: Predictive science based design for advanced metal forming
  2. Allwood: Closed-loop control of product properties in metal forming: a review and prospectus
  3. Banabic: Voids evolution during the large plastic deformation: experiments and modeling
  4. Pietrzyk: Application of numerical solution of the diffusion equation to prediction of in use properties of DP steels products
  5. Yanagimoto: Microstructure evolution model in hot forming and its future link to the property prediction
  6. Bruschi: Technological properties at the end of hot forging and cooling cycles: an approach to process design and control
  7. Hirt: Properties oriented optimization of pass schedules and online property visualization during industrial forging processes
  8. Ishikawa: Controlled forging of auto parts with gradient strength
  9. Madej: Controlling the strain path/microstructure/properties relationships during hot rolling of flat products
  10. Bambach: Effects of statistical uncertainties for microstructure prediction and process robustness in modeling multi stage rolling processes
  11. Behrens: FE-Analysis and Monitoring of Metal Forming Processes: Microstructure Analysisand Failure Monitoring
  12. Merklein: Adjusting, predicting and controlling mechanical properties of temperature assisted formed components
  13. Tekkaya: Examples of predicting and controlling product properties in metal forming Sheet Metal Forming:
  14. Altan: Predicting and avoiding edge fracture in blanking and hole flanging
  15. Daehn: Application of impulse and high velocity to shape, cut, join and harden metal components
  16. Groche: Flexible bending process to compensate material dependent spring-back
  17. Khraisheh: Post-elevated temperature forming of sheet metals

Summary of the STC Meeting in Copenhagen on August 23rd


ICTP - The 11th ICTP will be held in Atsuta-ku - Nagoya (Japan) from October 19th to 24th, 2014. It is organized by the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP). The host will be Prof. T. Ishikawa, Nagoya University, President of JSTP. Tentative schedule for paper submission and acceptance and delegate registration are available in the conference website A special issue in Journal of Materials Processing Technology is planned. Further details on the event can be asked to Prof. Ishikawa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) (reported by Prof.T. Ishikawa).

ICFG - The 46th ICFG Plenary Meeting will be hosted by Prof. Dubar from University of Valenciennes in France. The meeting is scheduled for September 15th to 18th, 2013 in Paris. Details are available in the ICFG webside (reported by Prof.Takkaya).

IDDRG - The IDDRG 2013 Conference was held in Zurich, Switzerland from 2 to 5 June 2013 and hosted by Prof. Pavel Hora, Institute of Virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich. The conference focus was on the topics of virtual robustness prediction, advanced constitutive modeling, new perspectives in failure prediction as well as further development of the simulation tools. The IDDRG 2014 Conference is organized by CETIM and will be held in Paris, France between June 1 and June 5, 2014. The main title of the conference is  Innovations for the sheet metal industry. For further information please visit the official website / Prof. Shivpuri is the liaison of STC-F to IDDRG.

CIRP Terminology Committee and CIRPedia Section

Prof. A. Erman Tekkaya reported that expamples of Cirpedia terms had already been printed by Springer in hardcopy and he thanked the STC-F members for their contributions. Prof. Tekkaya has resigned from the committee as the vice chair as the forming part is completed.

Keynote Papers

Progress and discussion on the 2014 keynote paper “Testing and modelling of material behavior and formability in sheet metal forming processes” by Professors Bruschi, Altan, Banabic, Bariani, Brosius, Cao, Ghiotti, Khraisheh, Merklein and Tekkaya were made.       The complete draft will be distributed to the entire STC-F members in November.

Progress and discussion on the 2015 keynote paper “Predicting and controlling product properties in metal forming processes” by Professors Tekkaya is postponed to the January 2014 meeting in Paris, waiting for a decision on a keynote proposal on closed loop control strategies and systems in metal forming operations.

Keynote Proposals for 2016 and 2017

Prof. Mori proposed “Hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts” on behalf of potential co-authors M. Merklein, J. Yanagimoto, A. Azushima, B.-A. Behrens, P.F. Bariani and S. Bruschi. Dr. Allwood proposed “Closed loop control of Product Properties in Metal Forming” on behalf of potential co-authors T. Kuboki , P. Groche, G. Hirt, M. Liewald, J. Cao, and E. Tekkaya. It was noted from the floor discussion that Mori’s proposal is more specific for forming and more towards industry, which makes it a good one for 2017 internal keynotes; while Allwood’s proposal is more academic and it follows the 2015 keynote closely, better for 2016.  The Allwood’s proposal was accepted for the 2016 keynote and the Mori’s proposal was accepted for the 2017 keynote.


  1. E. H. Lee and D. Y. Yang (KIAST) : A new energy-saving process for sheet metal forming of non-quenchable advanced high-strength steel
  2. Z.G Wang, Y.Yoshikawa, T. Suzuki and K. Osakada  (Gifu/Osaka) : A Friction Law in Dry Forming
  3. R. Shivpuri (Ohio State Univ): Inductive Design of Lubrication for Hot Net Shape Forging
  4. A Chandra, O Kar, K-C Wu, M Hall, J Gillette (Iowa State) : Prognosis of ACL Reconstruction: A Study via Skewed Rolling Lab Module
  5. Łukasz Madej, J Szyndler, F Grosman (Krakow/Katowice) : New incremental forming technology dedicated for aerospace integral elements
  6. G. Lucchetta, S. Bruschi and P.F.Bariani (Padua) : Hybrid metal/composite forming technologies to manufacture lightweight structural automotive parts.
  7. Rong-Shean Lee, Ta-Wei Chien (Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) : Some Issues on Testing and Predicting Formability in the Hot Stamping of HSS.
  8. Wolfram Volk, Hartmut Hoffmann (TU Munich) : Failure prediction for arbitrary stretch paths
  9. Manabu Kiuchi (Tokyo), Tsutomu Nakata (Nakata Manufacturing) : Flexible Manufacturing Technologies for ERW Pipes
  10. Antoniomaria Di Ilio and Francesco Lambiase (L’Aquila) : Different strategies for clinching materials with low ductility
  11. M. Bergmann, W.-G. Drossel, A. Sterzing (IWU, Chemnitz) : Realization of Graded Material Properties by Partial Severe Plastic Deformation
  12. Hiroshi Utsunomiya, Jae-Yeol Jeon and Ryo Matsumoto (Osaka) : Die Quenching of AA2024 Aluminum Alloy Billet using Servo Press
  13. M. Liewald and T. Schiemann (IFU, Stuttgart) : Mechanisms of Fold Formation during Flange Upsetting of Tubular Parts
  14. Y. Abe, K. Mori (Toyohashi) : Prevention of seizure in ironing of stainless steel drawn cup by surface textured die having lubricant pockets

Election of the new STC officers 

For January 2014 to December 2016, STC-F has elected:

  • Prof. Julian Allwood of Cambridge as the Chair
  • Prof. Jian Cao of Northwestern as the Vice-Chair
  • Prof. Gerhard Hirt of RWTH Aachen as the Secretary