The Scientific Technical Committee “F” had two meetings in 2014: in Paris on January 23rd and in Nantes on August 29th. The STC meeting in January had 51 participants of whom 7 were guests, and the meeting in August had 50, of which 17 were guests.
Summary of the STC Meeting in Paris on January 23rd
Short reports related to the following activities were given:
• ICTP - The 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2014) (reported by Prof. Ishikawa)
• ICFG - The 47th Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (reported by Prof. Tekkaya)
• IDDRG - The IDDRG 2013 (International Deep Drawing Research Group) (reported by Prof. Merklein)
• GDDRG - The 2013 meeting of the GDDRG (German Deep Drawing Research Group) (reported by Prof. Merklein)
• Draft ISO 16842 “Metallic materials – Sheet and strip – Biaxial tensile testing method using cruciform specimen” - Idea of the draft is to standardize biaxial tensile tests using cruciform specimen. (reported by Prof. Merklein)
Summaries of the reports can be found in the minutes of the meeting, which are available on the CIRP website.
CIRP Dictionary / CIRPEDIA
The revisions of the Forming Dictionary Volumes have been submitted to Springer for printing. The Turkish translation of these volumes is completed to a large extent. Prof. Tekkaya terminated his vice chairmanship after having completed his mission of revising the forming dictionary volumes. Since August 2013 the new vice chairman of the Terminology Committee is Dr. S. Chatti. The new subject editor for the forming section of the CIRPEDIA is Professor B.-A. Behrens. (reported by Prof. Tekkaya)
Dr. Chatti reported on the status of the Forming Dictionary Volumes, and led a brief discussion on the selection and sequencing of chapters in version 2 of the dictionary.
Dr Allwood introduced a brief discussion on CIRPEDIA with information on the printed encyclopedia published by Springer based on CIRPEDIA articles, and plans for version 2 of CIRPEDIA. There was discussion on the cost of access to the online version and whether it would be better run through the CIRP website rather than by Springer, and about the business model of CIRPEDIA.
Keynote Papers
A draft of the paper and proposed presentation for the 2014 keynote paper, “Testing and modelling of material behaviour and formability in sheet metal forming processes” by Professors Bruschi, Altan, Banabic, Bariani, Brosius, Cao, Ghiotti, Khraisheh, Merklein and Tekkaya had been circulated in advance of the meeting. Prof. Bruschi briefly introduced the current status of the paper which was then discussed in further detail.
Progress report and discussion on the 2015 keynote paper “Predicting and controlling product properties in metal forming processes” led by Professor Tekkaya. A comprehensive slide pack presenting the key evidence and themes of the paper had been circulated in advance and was summarised Professor Tekkaya. This was discussed, and members invited to send further contributions to Professor Tekkaya as soon as possible.
A special session was held on the topic of the 2016 internal session keynote paper on “Closed loop control of product properties in metal forming”. A list of these presentations is given below.
2017 keynote paper on “Hot stamping” - Prof. Mori presented the current draft outline and timeline for the preparation of the paper and invited contributions from members.
Presentations on the subjects related to the 2016 Keynote Paper
1. J. Cao (Northwestern Univ Evanstaon, USA): Sensing and control in metal forming processes
2. Sterzing, M. Kuhl, W.-G. Drossel (TU Chemnitz, Germany): Strategies for Monitoring and Control of Forming Processes – Increase of Reliability in Deep Drawing
3. B. Kinsey, Y. Korkolis, M. Knezevic (Univ New Hampshire): Process innovations to achieve increased elongation during sheet metal forming
4. K. Mori (Toyohashi): Borescopes for in-situ-measuring three-dimensional deformation behavior of workpiece and tools during forming
5. M. Merklein (FAU, Germany): Closed-loop control in forming processes: exemplary approaches
6. S. R. Duncan (Univ Oxford, UK): Benefits of closed loop feedback control for forming processes
7. T. Kuboki, K. Imai, Y. Jin (Univ Tokyo, Japan): Introduction and perspectives of closed-loop control in precise sheet-metal bending
8. P.F. Bariani, S.Bruschi, A. Ghiotti, E. Savio (Padua): In-process control of geometry for complex parts formed at elevated temperature
9. A.E. Tekkaya (TU Dortmund, Germany): Direct and indirect closed-loop control in metal forming processes: application examples
10. P. Groche, J. Schreiner, H. Hohmann (TU Darmstadt, Germany): Adaptive control – from single process to process chain approaches
Summary of the STC Meeting in Nantes on August 29th
Short reports related to the following activities were given:
ICTP - About 580 abstracts have been submitted from 37 countries. A total of 402 papers were accepted after a rigorous reviewing process for presentation and inclusion in Procedia Engineering as the conference proceedings. In addition, 55 valuable papers were recommended as candidate papers of the JMPT journal by the SAB/ICTP members. The proceedings include 8 invited plenary keynote papers by distinguished experts, and are available on a tablet for easy access during the conference. Until today about 560 participants have registered. The JSTP Prize for precision forming will be awarded to Prof. Mori and Prof. Tekkaya during the ICTP conference. (reported by Prof. Ishikawa)
ICFG - The 47th Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group will be held in Ankara/Turkey from September 21st to 24th, 2014. Subgroup meetings will be on Process Simulation, Tool Quality & Tool Life, Lubrication and Aluminum & Lightweight. Besides workshops will be organized about the future aspects of cold forging and ICFG 2050. Visits are offered to the Metal Forming Center of Excellence, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) and ORS Bearings. (reported by Prof. Tekkaya)
IDDRG - The IDDRG 2014 Conference was held in Paris, France from 1 to 4 June 2014 and was hosted by CETIM, technical center for the mechanical industry, belonging to the Carnot Institutes. The conference focus was on ‘Innovation at the Service of Sheet Metal Forming Industry’. The main topics were concentrated on material properties and models, tribology, simulation as well as specific processes. (reported by Prof. Merklein)
CIRP Dictionary / CIRPEDIA
CIRP Dictionary: The revisions of the Forming Volumes of the CIRP Dictionary are in print at Springer and shall be available before the end of the year. (reported by Prof. Tekkaya)
CIRPedia: The following new topics have been added to CIRPedia and will now be completed:
• »Tailored Blanks« by Prof. Merklein
• »Flow Forming« by Prof. Peter Groche
• »Rolling« by Prof. Gerhard Hirt
• »Billet Shearing« by Prof. B.-A. Behrens
• »Cross Wedge Rolling« by Prof. B.-A. Behrens
• »Forge Rolling« by Prof. B.-A. Behrens
• »Hot Stamping« by Prof. B.-A. Behrens
Keynote Papers
Progress report and discussion on the 2015 keynote paper “Predicting and controlling product properties in metal forming processes” led by Professor Tekkaya: A draft version of the full text of this paper had been distributed in advance. Prof. Tekkaya reported about the feedback received and the results of the discussion about this feedback in a recent meeting of the author group. Finally further recommendations from the audience have been discussed and the involved persons will send their related input to Prof. Tekkaya according to the time schedule.
Progress report and discussion on the 2016 keynote paper “Closed loop control of product properties in metal forming” led by Professor Allwood: Slides for the discussion had been distributed before the meeting and feedback on these slides had already been discussed within the group of authors on Thursday. Prof. Allwood presented the status of the concepts with selected slides asking especially for input to questions listed on the introductory slide. Various additional comments and inputs were given with respect to modern measurement and control concepts, recent examples of property control in forming as well as sensor capabilities and the option to tailor tribology for control purposes.
Short report and discussion on the 2017 keynote paper on “Hot stamping”: Prof. Mori presented the current list of topics and keywords covering the whole field of hot stamping and gave a first tentative paper structure. From the continuously increasing number of yearly publications he pointed out that this topic is currently very quickly developing and that the focus of the paper shall be strictly laid on recent developments. To assure that the latest developments will be addressed a special session will be dedicated to this topic in the upcoming winter meeting in Paris.
An informal discussion was held on organization of a 2018 keynote and a larger number of potential topics was collected in a brain storming session. These shall further be discussed in the 2015 Paris meeting and the decision shall be taken during the 2015 General Assembly.
15 papers were presented in Part I of the General Assembly in Nantes.
The following technical presentations were given in Part II of the General Assembly in Nantes:
1. R. Shivpuri (Ohio State Univ): Integrated computational process design to virtual testing: Challenges and Opportunities
2. P. Groche, M. Özel (TU Darmstadt): Verification of FE models by means of induced disturbances
3. L. Madej, K. Perzynski, M. Pietrzyk (AGH UST, Krakow): Numerical modeling of brittle and ductile fracture in DP steels using the Digital Material Representation approach
4. M. Liewald, T.Schiemann (IFU, Stuttgart): Failure prediction during Flange Upsetting of Tubular parts
5. T. Kuboki (UEC, Japan) Lubrication behavior of deep drawing with high pressured water
6. M. Kitamura, M. Nawa, T. Makinol (NITech, Japan): Improvement of Tribological Conditions in Blanking and Ironing by Using Tool with Micro-dimples
7. M. Merklein, M Schmidt, D. Junker, O. Hentschel (FAU, Germany): Additive manufacturing of forging tools
8. K. Mori, T. Maeno (Toyohashi): Successive forging of tailored blanks having thickness distributions for hot stamping
9. T. Ishikawa, Y. Miwade, E. Abe, N. Yukawa, T. Suganuma, (Nagoya Univ, Japan): Effects of Microstructure on Formability in Impact Extrusion of Thin-Walled Case
10. P.F. Bariani, S. Bruschi, A. Ghiotti (Padua): Manufacturing fibre-reinforced aluminium composites by forming processes
11. B. Kaftanoglu, E. Kayhan (ATILIM, Turkey): Experiments on Non-Isothermal Deep-Drawing
12. B.-A. Behrens (Leibniz Univ, Germany): Mechatronic Systems in Forming Technology