The Scientific Technical Committee “F” had two meetings in 2012: in Paris on January 26th and in Hong Kong on August 24th. As usual for the STC “F”, both meetings were well attended. The STC meeting in January had 37 participants of whom 7 were guests, and the meeting in August 33 of which 8 were guests.

Summary of the STC Meeting in Paris on January 26th


                 ICTP - Prof. G. Hirt reported that the 10th ICTP took place from September 25th to 30th 2012 in Aachen, Germany. More than 700 participants from 50 countries were registered before the conference, about 20% of them from industry. 661 participants actually took part in the conference according to the final database records. During the conference 432 presentations, including 18 invited talks and about 25 poster presentations were given. In the accompanying exhibition 18 metal forming-related institutes and companies presented their work. 509 full papers were submitted (more than 650 abstracts) and 77 of the full papers were rejected by the Scientific Committee or cancelled by the authors. Profs. Erman Tekkaya and Gerhard Hirt thank all the colleagues who supported the conference and the reviewing process. 
                        Prof. T. Ishikawa reported that the 11th ICTP would be held in Atsuta-ku - Nagoya (Japan) from October 19th to 24th, 2014. It is organized by the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP). The host will be Prof. T. Ishikawa, Nagoya University, President of JSTP. A tentative list of Cooperating Organizations include JSPE, ISIJ, JIM, JSME, JILM, JBMA, ICEM, IISI, SMSJ, JSPPM, CIRP, ICFG, IDDRG, ITA, Nagoya City, Nagoya University Details on the event can be asked to Prof. Ishikawa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and will be soon available in the conference website.

            ICFG - Prof. N. Bay reported that the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) held its 44th Plenary Meeting in Soenderborg, Denmark 11-14, September 2011. The meeting gathered 90 people from 16 countries. The first day was reserved for three subgroup meetings: 1) Process Simulation, 2) Tool Life and Tool Quality, 3) Cold Forging 2050. The third subgroup meeting assembling all the delegates included a keynote paper by Prof. Rolf Geiger on “Electro-mobility – A forging challenge”. The Plenary Meeting on the second day included paper presentations among others six keynote presentations from Danish industry, Germany, France and Japan. The third day was devoted to industrial visits. The 45th ICFG Plenary Meeting will be held in Nagoya (Japan) from September 9th to 12th, 2012. The host will be Prof. T. Ishikawa, Nagoya University, and President of JSTP. Details are available in the conference website

            IDDRG - The 2011 Conference was held in Bilbao (the Basque Country - Spain) from June 5th to 8th, 2011. The host was Dr. Marian Gutiérrez of TECNALIA. The 2012 Conference will be held from November 25th to 28th, 2012 in Bombay (India). Most of information is available in the website

CIRP Terminology Committee and CIRPedia Section

Prof. A. Erman Tekkaya reported that the forming section of CIRPedia had received significant amount of contributions from colleagues and were at the almost-completed stage.

Keynote Papers

Prof. Merklein presented the progress report on the 2012 Paper-Session keynote “Bulk forming of sheet metal” by Professors Merklein, Tekkaya, Allwood, Behrens, Kuzman, Geiger, Mori and Brosius. Prof. Mori presented the progress report on the 2013 Opening-Session keynote paper “Joining by plastic deformation” by Professors Mori, Micari, Fratini, Tekkaya and Bay. It was also noted that a set of powerpoint slides was required to be submitted to the publication committee for review at the Paris meeting immediately before the general assembly where the paper scheduled to be presented.

Keynote Proposals for 2014

Prof. Bay presented “Theoretical modeling of friction and lubrication in metal forming.”  Prof. Groche presented “Closed-loop control of product properties in metal forming.” Prof. Bruschi presented “Testing and modeling of material behavior and formability in sheet forming processes.” Question and answer sessions followed each proposal. Members then voted by ballot. Prof. Bruschi’s proposal was selected as the 2014 keynote paper by the majority.


  1. Prof. B.A. Behrens (Hannover) presented “Challenges in cutting high-strength steels”.
  2. Dr. Regev (Israel) presented “Deformation mechanisms operating during creep of friction stir welded AZ31 alloys”.
  3. Prof. Fratini (Palermo) presented “Advanced numerical modeling of Ti6Al4V forging operations”
  4. Dipl-Ing Göeschel (Chemnitz) presented “Temperature-supported forming of complex magnesium components”
  5. Prof. T. Ishikawa (Nagoya) presented “Influence of slide motion on dimensional accuracy in cold backward extrusion”
  6. Dr. R. Plettke (Erlangen) presented “Modeling of machine stiffness”

Summary of the STC Meeting in Hong Kong on August 24th


                ICTP - The 11th ICTP will be held in Atsuta-ku - Nagoya (Japan) from October 19th to 24th, 2014. It is organized by the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP). The host will be Prof. T. Ishikawa, Nagoya University, President of JSTP. A tentative list of Cooperating Organizations include JSPE, ISIJ, JIM, JSME, JILM, JBMA, ICEM, IISI, SMSJ, JSPPM, CIRP, ICFG, IDDRG, ITA, Nagoya City, Nagoya University Details on the event can be asked to Prof. Ishikawa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and will be soon available in the conference website (reported by Prof.Kitamura).

With the aim of continuous improvement of the management of ICTP and especially of the quality of papers submitted for publication and presentation, professor M. Kiuchi, chairman of the ICTP, proposed the formation inside the ICTP of a “the task-force”. The members participants in this task force (M.Kiuchi as chairman, G. Hirt, A.E. Tekkaya, C.G. Kang, P.F. Bariani and K. Mori as secretary) will have a meeting during the GA-Part 2 in Hong Kong on Friday 24th August at 14.00. (reported by Prof. Kiuchi).

                ICFG - The 45th ICFG Plenary Meeting will be held in Nagoya (Japan) from September 9th to 12th, 2012. The host will be Prof. T. Ishikawa, Nagoya University, and President of JSTP. The meeting will include some invited papers on trends and visions on cold forging by experts from industry as well as academia, Details are available in the conference website (reported by Prof. Kitamura).

Prof. Kitamura announced that travel grants are available for young researchers under the age of 35 to attend the ICFG. The deadline for submitting the application is November 10, 2012. Information can be found at the ICFG website.

The 7th ICFG Workshop on Process Simulation in Metalforming will be held in Gifu (Japan) from September 12th to 14th, 2012. The host of the workshop is Professor Yoshinori Yoshida. The workshop will place emphasis on the state-of-the-art of the use and applications of numerical modeling/simulation tools and their future potential for the forging industry.

                IDDRG - The 2012 IDDRG Conference will be held from November 25th to 28th, 2012 in Bombay (India). Most of information is available in the website (reported by Prof. Shivpuri).

CIRP Terminology Committee and CIRPedia Section

Prof. A. Erman Tekkaya presented the terminology and CIRPedia Section. Questions were raised with respect of the benefits of having CIRPedia especially when ‘CIRP’ was removed from the title. Prof. Tekkaya briefed the history of CIRPedia, i.e., transferring the dictionary to the web. Although the original idea/intention was good, tremendous work is involved and the CIRP community has not received benefits. The members asked the vice-chair to raise a question about the value of the CIRPedia work at the Liaison committee.

Keynote Papers

Prof. Mori presented the progress report on the 2013 Paper-Session keynote paper “Joining by plastic deformation” by Prof. Mori, Micari, Fratini, Tekkaya, and Bay. Suggestions from attendees include: (1) providing a definition of plastic joining; (2) providing a balanced view of advantages and disadvantages of plastic joining in the introduction section; (3) providing more discussions on future outlook, i.e., telling what we do not know as well as what we know; (4) including the tool design in friction stir welding (FSW); and (5) utilizing the rich literature survey that is already existed in the area of FSW. Prof. Bruschi presented the outline of the 2014 Internal-Session keynote paper “Testing and modeling of material behavior and formability in sheet forming processes”. 

Keynote Proposals for 2015

Prof. Tekkaya proposed “predicting and controlling product properties in metal forming processes”. The presentation is included in Appendix E. The proposal received unanimous support from the attendees. The scope of the keynote was discussed in terms of a balance between depth and breadth. It was concluded that only those properties affected by metal forming processes will be included. A special session on this keynote was requested to be organized in the next Paris meeting.


  1. Dr. Andreas Sterzing (Chemnitz) presented “Preventive Tool and Process Design for Rolling of High Gears”
  2. Prof. Hiroshi Utsunomiya (Osaka) presented “Rolling Characteristics of Porous Metal Plates and Discussions on Constitutive Relationships”
  3. Prof. Kazuhiko Kitamura (Nagoya) presented “Measurement of Plastic Anisotropy Using Small-cube Compression Test for Sheet Bulk Forming”
  4. Prof. A. Ghiotti (Padova) presented “Physical simulation experiments to evaluate wear of dies in hot and warm stamping”