The Scientific Technical Committee “F” had two meetings in 2011: in Paris on January 27th and in Budapest on August 26th. As usual for the STC “F”, both meetings were well attended. The STC meeting in January had 31 participants of which 8 were guests, and the meeting in Budapest 43 participants including 10 guests.

Summary of the STC meeting in Paris on January 27th


            ICTP– Prof. Tekkaya reported that ICTP received 650 abstracts, the majority (420 abstracts) was submitted in the last week and about 150 abstracts were submitted in the week of extension. Prof. Tekkaya then explained the review process and special journal issues have been arranged.

            ICFG– Prof. Tekkaya reported that ICFG had 91 members from 25 countries and new board members were introduced.

            IDDRG– Prof. Merklein reported that the conference were to be held at the beginning of June. Abstracts were due and a less number of papers were received this year due to a conflict of a conference in Austria.

CIRP Dictionary

Prof. Tekkaya reported that the forming section is about 90% done and to be finished in 2011. Volume IV on assembly goes to print in March 2011. CIRPedia: Encyclopedia of Production Eng. – EiC – Editors are Prof. Laperriere & Prof. Reinhart.  Prof. Tekkaya was appointed as the Section Editor in the forming area and he welcomes nominations or self-nominations for succeeding his position as the forming section editor.

Keynote Papers

Prof. Osakada presented the 2011 keynote paper: ‘Servopress Technology’ co-authored with Professors Mori, Altan and Groche. Prof. Vollertsen conveyed the expectations from the editorial committee on the keynote papers. Prof. Merklein reported the progress on the 2012 keynote paper, ‘Sheet-bulk metal forming’ co-authored with Professors Tekkaya, Allwood, Behrens, Brosius, Kuzman, Geiger and Mori.

Keynote Proposals for 2013

Prof. Cao presented “Micro-manufacturing for Biomedical  Applications" co-authored with Prof. Rajurkar and Dr. Arentoft. The appearance of this topic to the general audience was discussed. 

Prof. Mori presented “Plastic Joining" co-authored with Professors Micari, Fratini, Tekkaya and Bay. The definition of ‘plastic’ was discussed.

Prof. Bay presented “Theoretical modeling of friction and lubrication in metal forming”.  After the discussions, Prof. Bay withdrew this proposal for 2013, instead, intended it for 2014.  

Prof. Bariani presented the outline of the proposal “Modelling and simulation of process chains based on metal forming operations”, however, withdrew it from the 2013 competition since he was encouraged to propose this topic as a Track 1 keynote.


1.    Dr. Lukasz Madej (Krakow) “Multiscale model based on the Digital Material Representation in industrial applications”
2.    Dr. Raoul Plettke (Erlangen) “Investigation of the Three‐Roll-Push-Bending Process”
3.    Dr. Alexander Brosius (Dortmund) “Damage models in forming technology – from feasibility study to product property prediction?”
4.    Prof. T Ishikawa (Nagoya) “Development of incremental forging for perform of connecting rod”
5.    Prof. K.I. Mori (Toyohashi) “A review of plate forging process development in Japan”
6.    Prof. Robert Gao (Connecticut) “Model augmented techniques for estimation of contact pressure distribution in stamping”
7.    Prof. Stefania Bruschi (Trento) “Guidelines for reliable numerical simulations of cold forging processes: review of European Leonardo Project.

Summary of the STC-F meeting in Budapest (General Assembly – Part I and Part II)


        ICTP – Prof. Hirt reported the 10th ICTP will be held in Aachen, Germany on September 25th-30th, 2011. It is organized on behalf of the German Metal Forming Association (AGU). The hosts will be Prof. Gerhard Hirt of the Institute of Metal Forming (IBF) in Aachen and Prof. A. Erman Tekkaya from the Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction (IUL) in Dortmund. Details on the event are available in the website More than 600 attendees have registered. There will be 430 presentations and 9 parallel sessions. Organizers expressed the appreciation for the efforts from CIRP members for reviewing and chairing the sessions.

       ICFG and JSTP – Prof. Tekkaya reported the 44th ICFG Plenary Meeting will be held in Soenderborg (Denmark) from September 11th to 14th, 2011. The host will be Prof. Niels Bay of the Danish Technical University in Lyngby (Denmark). Most of information is available in the website The 43rd ICFG Plenary Meeting was held succesfully in Darmstadt (Germany) from September 12th to 15th, 2010. The 6th Workshop on Process Simulation in Metalforming organized by subgroup Process Simulation was held successfully in Padua (Italy) from June 26th to 28th, 2011. The President of the JSTP Prof. Ishikawa announced that the JSTP has chosen Prof. J. L. Chenot and Prof. T. Nakamura as the two winners of the JSTP International Prize for R&D in Precision Forging.  The prize will be awarded to the two winners on the occasion of the 10th ICTP in Aachen (Germany), where each winner will present a special lecture.

       IDDRG - Prof. Bariani reported the 2012 IDDRG Conference will be held from November 25th to 28th, 2012 in Bombay (India). Most of information is available in the website Prof. Bariani noted the importance of having at least one STC-F member at the organization committee. Prof. Rajiv Shivpuri will be the STC-F rep at IDDRG. The 2011 IDDRG Conference was held in Bilbao (the Basque Country - Spain) from June 5th to 8th, 2011. The host was Dr Marian Gutiérrez of TECNALIA.

Keynote Paper

Progress and discussion on the 2012 Paper-Session keynote paper ‘Sheet-bulk metal forming’, by Professors Merklein, Tekkaya, Allwood, Behrens, Kuzman, Geiger, Mori and Brosius – presented by Prof. Merklein. 

Progress and discussion on the 2013 Opening-Session keynote paper “Plastic Joining" by Professors Mori, Micari, Fratini, Tekkaya and Bay – presented by Prof. Mori.  

Keynote Proposals for 2014 and Beyond

2014 keynote topic will be decided in the coming January Paris meeting. The selection process for keynotes beyond 2016 may be under a different mechanism, subjected to discussion. One possibility is to create a task force inside STC-F to create/decide a continuously evolving list (for examples, materials, system, controls, independently). Suggestions to keynote selection procedure shall be sent to STC-F officers by November 30, 2011. It is expected that a new procedure will merge at the coming Paris meeting.

Part II Presentations

1.   Dr. Andreas Sterzing (Chemnitz) “Extension of process limits in rlling of helicl gears by optimized tood design”
2.   Prof. Peter Groche (Darmstadt)  “The role of metal forming in product design”
3.   Prof. Brad Kinsey (Univ. New Hampshire) “Deformation path manipulation to improve formability”
4.   Prof. Mathias Liewald (Stuttgart) “Analysis of local restraining effects on local component quality of an irregular shaped sheet metal component”
5.    Dr. Raoul Plettke (Erlangen) “Orbital forming of sheet metal”
6.    Dr. Lukasz Madej (Krakow) “The development of the multi billet extrusion technology for manufacturing of dual layer components for heat radiators”