CIRP Annals Online sorted by Year and Volume
Electronic Module Assembly
Jörg Franke (2), Lihui Wang (1), Karlheinz Bock, Jürgen Wilde
STC A, 70/2/2021, P.471
Keywords: Joining, Assembly, Electronic |
Abstract : Electronics is the vital basis for innovations and the essential enabler for global trends like connectivity, electro mobility and renewable
energies. These applications require high performance and reliability of the electronic modules. Their assembly combines very heterogeneous process chains like remarkable productive and diminutive surface mount technology (SMT), powerful and robust power electronic
interconnection techniques, as well as pioneering reel-to-reel based organic electronic printing. After briefly outlining the enormous
global economic impact of electronic modules, this paper presents the state of the art of electronic module assembly including substrate
materials, electronic components, packaging and assembly processes as well as quality and reliability testing methods.
Structured and Textured Cutting Tool Surfaces for Machining Applications
Tugrul Özel, Dirk Biermann (1), Toshiyuki Enomoto (2), Paul Mativenga (2)
STC C, 70/2/2021, P.495
Keywords: Machining, Texture, Cutting Tool |
Abstract : In the past few decades, there has been considerable advancement in developing and testing structured and textured cutting tools for different
machining operations. This paper not only presents a review of the state-of-the-art in manufacturing processes to structure and texture surfaces
of cutting tools for machining applications but also identifies the strengths and weaknesses of utilizing structured or textured rake and flank faces
as well as other important functional surfaces of cutting tools. This includes an assessment of the relevant texture geometries and microscale
structures and their applicability and/or limitations for the improved chip material flow and contact at the chip-tool interface, reduced forces,
dynamic deflections, and friction, improved anti-adhesion and tool wear, and enhanced debris management, lubricant, and coolant utilization.
This manuscript includes contributions from many research groups in academia who closely work with industry and the content presented herein
is expected to provide an organized and comprehensive narrative on current advances, capabilities, and challenges in developing and
implementing optimum texture and structure design on cutting tool surfaces with some guidance for future directions.
STC Dn |
Coevolution of digitalisation, organisations and Product Development Cycle
Lionel Roucoules (2), Nabil Anwer (2)
STC Dn, 70/2/2021, P.519
Keywords: Computer Aided Design (CAD), Design, Digital Transformation |
Abstract : Over the past 70 years, product design has undergone many important changes due to the impact of contemporary digital technologies (i.e. digital design).
To support digital design and information flow throughout the product lifecycle, the digital-driven technologies currently in use rely on the evolution of
CAD and PLM systems to address new design and manufacturing challenges generated by the new era of 4.0 digital transformation.
This paper will discuss the past and present coevolution and shortcomings within industrial organisations,the digitaltechnologies employed in the product
development cycle and will illustrate the current challenges and future prospects of the digital thread for design.
Ultrafast Laser Manufacturing: from physics to industrial applications
Leonardo Orazi (2), Luca Romoli (2), Michael Schmidt (2), Lin Li (1)
STC E, 70/2/2021, P.543
Keywords: Laser, Laser processing, Ultrafast optics |
Abstract : Modern ultrafast lasers are enabling better operative performances in micro and nano-fabrications of materials, benefited from their ease of use,
robustness, and reliability. The purpose of this paper is to bridge the gap between the knowledge of ultrafast optics and the modern industrial applications.
The paper introduces main phenomena in ultrafast laser-matter interactions by reviewing relevant theoretical models and simulation techniques. The
operation of ultrafast lasers is based on nonlinear optics phenomena, fully described only in the framework of quantum-mechanics. Current trends in the
development of modern ultrafast system are given. It also presents a review of the latest advances in ultrafast laser-based manufacturing processes, some
of the most interesting industrial applications, and a discussion on future trends and challenges.
Forming of Metal-Based Composite Parts
Stefania Bruschi (1), Jian Cao (1), Marion Merklein (1), Jun Yanagimoto (1)
STC F, 70/2/2021, P.567
Keywords: Composite, Metal, Forming |
Abstract : In the last few decades, metal-based composites and related manufacturing methods have attained significant research attention thanks to
the possibilities they offer to tailor both the material properties and the part in-service performances. A wide range of metal-based
composite parts are available for commercial applications since more affordable and robust manufacturing processes and quality control
techniques have recently allowed overcoming many challenging technological issues.
The paper aims at describing the forming processes applied to metal-based composites, with particular emphasis on the process features,
part obtainable characteristics, and modelling issues for a convincing design and optimization of the process itself. The most recent
progresses and challenges are illustrated in detail, including innovative materials and processes that are emerging to answer the
requirements of advanced engineering applications as well as new modelling techniques and current approaches to face economic and
environmental issues.
Grinding and fine finishing of future automotive powertrain components
Peter Krajnik (2), Fukuo Hashimoto (1), Bernhard Karpuschewski (1), Eraldo Jannone da Silva (2), Dragos Axinte (1)
STC G, 70/2/2021, P.589
Keywords: Grinding, Finishing, Automotive |
Abstract : The automotive industry is undergoing a major transformation driven by regulations and a fast-paced electrification. A critical analysis of
technological trends and associated requirements for major automotive powertrain components is carried out in close collaboration with
industry – covering the perspectives of OEMs, suppliers, and machine builders. The main focus is to review the state of the art with regard
to grinding, dressing, texturing and fine-finishing technologies. A survey of research papers and patents is accompanied by case studies
that provide further insights into the production value chain. Finally, key industrial and research challenges are summarized.
Noise and Vibrations in Machine Tools
Konrad Wegener (1), Friedrich Bleicher (2), Uwe Heisel (1), Hans-Werner Hoffmeister (3), Hans-Christian Möhring (2)
STC M, 70/2/2021, P.611
Keywords: Noise , Noise mitigation, Sound measuring |
Abstract : Mechanical manufacturing processes as well as the respective production machinery is noisy. The noise always stems from transient forces that excite the structure
to vibrations, which emits due to vibrations on the surface sound waves into the environment. Noise emission is today considered as quality defect of machinery
and thus methods and means are sought to mitigate the noise emission to a level considered as being compatible to human operators. On the other hand as the noise
origin is the process itself, the emitted noise has a signal content, which directly indicates the status of the process and sometimes also the health state of the machine
and its elements. Noise reduction today is still fairly experience based, which requires to generate a good understanding on noise generation, noise transmission and
noise radiation which is discussed in this paper. Measurement of noise and its analysis is indispensable for the traceback to the origin to focus the countermeasures
but also for revealing the signal content out of the sound waves. Noise prediction is still at the threshold of industrial application, but will in future play a major role
for including noise topics into the design from the beginning and not only as corrective measures after the machine is built. Available simulation tools are presented.
The largest progress in this respect stems from room acoustics and automotive industry, where the requirements are much stricter than in the manufacturing environment. Ways and achievements in the utilization of noise signals for process and machine health monitoring will be presented. The industry seeks here for broad
band sensors, able to carry a lot of different and easy to retrieve signals to reduce the amount of additional sensors. Typical standards today collect countermeasures,
being applied for spreading the knowledge generated for intuitive approaches. The paper also shows future trends and developments and the research required in
that field.
Evolution and future of Manufacturing Systems
Hoda A. ElMaraghy (1), Laszlo Monostori (1), Guenther Schuh (1), Waguih ElMaraghy (1)
STC O, 70/2/2021, P.635
Keywords: Manufacturing systems, Sustainable development, Cognitive adaptability |
Abstract : The evolution of manufacturing systems, influenced by changes along four axes - products, technology, business strategies and production
paradigms - is presented. Adoption of human-centric decision making in meshed collaboration with intelligent systems is examined.
Implications and preparedness for the shift towards more responsive, intelligent adaptive systems are reviewed. Research and industrial
use cases are presented. A vision for the new future Adaptive Cognitive Manufacturing System (ACMS) paradigm and its characteristics,
drivers and enablers are articulated highlighting the digital and cognitive transformations. Perspectives and insights are offered for future
research, education, and work to realize the evolution of manufacturing systems.
Scalability of Precision Design Principles for Machines and Instruments
Jose Antonio Yagüe-Fabra (2), Wei Gao (1), Andreas Archenti (2), Edward Morse (2), Alkan Donmez (2)
STC P, 70/2/2021, P.659
Keywords: Precision, System, Scalability |
Abstract : The implementation of precision engineering principles in the design of precision systems is fundamental to achieve high accuracy. Although these
principles may be independent of the system working range, their implementation is not. The working range, the accuracy, and the load of the system
limit, for instance, the selection of materials, the structural design, or the positioning system. This article analyzes the applicability of precision
engineering design principles depending on the working range of the system in order to establish their scalability or lack of it in small, medium, and
large range machines and instruments.
Feature-based characterisation of surface topography and its application
Xiangqian Jiang (1), Nicola Senin, Paul James Scott, François Blateyron (3)
STC S, 70/2/2021, P.681
Keywords: Surfaces, Micro structure, Feature-based Characterisation |
Abstract : This keynote paper gives an overview of emerging technologies of feature-based characterisation, for surface topographies having features. It is
complementary to conventional surface characterisation using texture field parameters. An original concept, the feature spectrum is proposed to
organise surfaces, in order to help select the appropriate characterisation for different types of surface topographies and to achieve a more direct
relationship between characterisation, manufacturing process and surface function. The keynote paper focuses on fundamentals and the state of
the art for feature-based characterisation technologies. Applications of feature-based characterisation are illustrated and discussed. Guidelines
for future industrial applications are laid out, and considerations for future challenges are addressed.