CIRP Annals Online sorted by Year and Volume
Sensor Technology in Assembly Systems
M. Santochi (1), G. Dini (2)
STC A, 47/2/1998, P.503
Keywords: Process Monitoring, Assembling, Sensor Technology |
Abstract : This paper describes the present state of the art of sensor technology
in automated assembly and analyzes the trends of research performed in
the last years. After having examined which are the main reasons for
using sensors, the assembly operations requiring sensors are shown. Then
the working principles of the most diffused sensors are described
together with open problems and some examples of typical applications:
force, tactile, optical and vision, mechanical probes and positional
sensors. In addition the paper examines the main trends of present
research with special reference to new types of sensors, to new
application areas, to sensor fusion and artificial intelligence for
their management. Finally typical industrial assembly applications are
described where sensors have been successfully used.
The State-of-the-Art of Modelling in Machining Processes
C.A. Van Luttervelt (1) , T. Childs (1) , I.S. Jawahir (2), F. Klocke (1) , P.K. Venuvinod (1)
STC C, 47/2/1998, P.587
Keywords: cutting, modeling, co-operative work |
Abstract : In 1995 CIRP STC "Cutting" started a working group "Modeling of
Machining Operations" with the aim of stimulating the development of
models capable of predicting quantitatively the performance of metal
cutting operations which will be better adapted to the needs of the
metal cutting industry in the future. This paper has the character of a
pro255gress report. It presents the aims of the working group and the
results obtained up to now. The aim is not to review extensively what
has been done in the past. It is basically a critical assessment of the
present state-of-the-art of the wide and complex field of modeling and
simulation of metal cutting operations based on information obtained
from the members of the working group, from consultation in industry,
study of relevant literature and discussions at meetings of the working
group whit the aim to stimulate and pilot future developments. For this
purpose much at255tention is given to a discussion of desirable and
possible future developments and planned new activities.
STC Dn |
Manufacturing System Design
N.P. Suh (1), D.S. Cochran, P.C. Lima
STC Dn, 47/2/1998, P.627
Keywords: axioms, design, manufacturing, systems |
Abstract : To achieve the desired goals of a manufacturing enterprise,
manufacturing systems must be designed to satisfy a specific set of
functional requirements (FRs) and constraints (C). Such a design can be
achieved based on axiomatic design theory. A hypothetical manufacturing
system that has to produce a mix of products in large numbers in highly
competitive industry is designed to illustrate the methodology. This
design, albeit hypothetical, may be an ideal and practical design for
many manufacturing firms competing in consumer-oriented industries with
worldwide over-capacity of manufacturing facilities.
Progress in additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping
J.P. Kruth (1)
STC E, 47/2/1998, P.525
Keywords: rapid prototyping and manufacturing, additive manufacturing processes |
Abstract : Rapid prototyping generally refers to techniques that produce shaped
parts by gradual creation or addition of solid material, therein
differing fundamentally from forming and material removal manufacturing
techniques. This paper tries to summarize one decade of research and
developments in rapid prototyping. The first part surveys some general
economical and technological trends. The second part of the paper goes
into some more details on a process-by-process basis.
Advance in FEM simulation and its related Technologies in Sheet Metal Forming
A. Makinouchi, C. Teodosiu, T. Nakagawa (1)
STC F, 47/2/1998, P.641
Keywords: sheet metal forming, simulation, finite element method, CAD |
Abstract : This paper presents an overview of the current state of sheet metal
forming simulation and related technologies employed by automakers and
steel sheet suppliers. For this purpose the authors visited industries
in Europe, Japan, and the United States, to discuss the above-mentioned
issues with engineers and researchers. Softwares used in each industry
are shown in tables and evaluation of finite element cods from
industrial users are also summarized in a table. Based on those
information the future direction of research in this field is suggested.
Grinding Process Achievements and their Consequences on Machine Tools - challenges & opportunities
H.K. Toenshoff (1) , I. Inasaki (1), B. Karpuschewski, T. Mandrysch
STC G, 47/2/1998, P.651
Keywords: Grinding, machine, component |
Abstract : In industrial practice substitution processes are going on from abrasive
processes to cutting and vice versa. To judge the future of grinding the
process and machine developments have to be taken into account. The
paper shows the interdependence between process and machine innovations.
The machine tool developments relevant to grinding processes are
investigated on a component and a system level. Process developments and
their relevance to new demands on or to new design features of machines
are pointed out. Research activities give an insight into future
potentials and into the challenges of machine tool design.
A comparison of Linear and Conventional Electromechanical Drives
G. Pritschow (1)
STC M, 47/2/1998, P.541
Keywords: Linear motors, Ball screw drives, Comparison, Velocity gain, Velocity, Acceleration |
Abstract : This publication deals with advantages and characteristics of linear
drives in comparison with the conven255tional electromechanical drives and
discusses suitable applications. Due to their high cost per axis, linear
drives are mainly appropriate for some special applications such as high
speed machining.
Management of variable production networks-visions, management and tools
H.P.Wiendahl (1), K. Helms, M. Hoebig
STC O, 47/2/1998, P.549
Keywords: Production Planning and Control, Controlling and Monitoring, Co-operative Manufacturing |
Abstract : Confronted with constant structural changes in society and the
manufacturing industry, enterprises have under255taken several innovative
activities for the optimization of their processes. One approach
representing an ex255tremely fast adaptation to quickly changing
constraints involves building up a "Variable Production Network" (VPN).
This is a dynamic co-operation system or network of companies for a
specific period. The aim of this paper is to describe the consequences
of this development in terms of logistic management tools and production
technologies. It deals with the handling of growing external complexity
whilst VPNs are being established. In the preparation we were supported
by contributions from W. Eversheim, F.L. Krause and H.J.J. Kals, for
which we thank very much.
Design for Precision: current status and trends
P. Schellekens (2) , N. Rosielle, H. Vermeulen, M. Vermeulen, S. Wetzels, W. Pril
STC P, 47/2/1998, P.557
Keywords: Design principles and features, predictive design, accuracy, repeatability, reproducibility |
Abstract : 'Design for Precision' reviews the status quo in Precision Engineering
and concludes that today's precision engineers put repeatability at the
top of their list. The design rules, patterns or principles, quoted here
from various authors, are all time-proven insights, to get reproducible
results with ultra precision machines and instruments. Modeling and
analysis of different concepts, systems, and components is required to
adapt the progressing design or to confirm its adequacy. Expenditure on
such analysis is worthwhile to avoid realization of an inadequate
design. However, creativity is more important in keeping the cost down
by finding other than locally optimized solutions. World-wide, precision
engineers agree on design principles, the challenge is to apply them
creatively to obtain a thought-out design. In today's most accurate
machines, advanced techniques are applied for compensation of e.g.
residual geometric errors, errors caused by machine dynamics, or
thermo-mechanically induced errors. Future developments in Precision
Engineering require nanometre- or even subnanometre positioning255 and
measuring accuracy, demanding new design concepts with integrated
control and error compensation systems.
Progress in Assessing Surface and Subsurface integrity
D.A. Lucca (2) , E. Brinksmeier (1), G. Goch (2)
STC S, 47/2/1998, P.669
Keywords: surface, surface integrity, subsurface damage |
Abstract : Recent progress in both the development of characterization tools for
the assessment of surface integrity, and the experimental examination of
surface alteration, is reported. Emphasis has been placed on emerging
characterization techniques. Examples of newly developed methods, with
the potential for assessing surface integrity, are also included.
Experimental results on the nature and extent of surface alteration have
been presented for the processing of metals, ceramics and glasses, and
single crystal materials. Particular attention has been given to
characterizing surface and subsurface integrity at fine length scales.