CIRP Annals Online sorted by Year and Volume
New developments in Assembly Systems
H. Makino (1) , T. Arai (2)
STC A, 43/2/1994, P.501
Keywords: Assembling, Flexibility, System |
Abstract : In the modern manufacturing, flexibility of a manufacturing system is
essential in order to respond to frequent model changes and mixed
production. Assembly robots and other flexible systems have been used to
solve the problem. In this report, dedicated assembly machines, flexible
assembly systems and manual assembly lines are investigated and
discussed. Various configurations of the systems such as cells, lines
and reconfigurable systems have been studied from the viewpoint of
products flow and parts flow. Future trends are also discussed.
Machining of holes - Developments in drilling technology
H.K. Toenshoff (1), W. Spintig, W. Koenig (1), A. Neises
STC C, 43/2/1994, P.551
Keywords: Cutting, Drilling, Tool Material |
Abstract : Drilling and similar processes such as reaming, tapping and counter
boring are often the cycle time defining operations in linked automated
manufacturing systems. They are, as a rule, one of the last operations
that are carried out on workpieces, when a lot of time and money has
already been invested in the parts. Therefore tools are required for
drilling which are capable of coping with cutting parameters that
achieve an economic use of the tool, demonstrate high process
reliability and thereby reduce the total amount of scrap or costly
rework. The new drilling tool materials like carbides, cermets, ceramics
and hard coatings have been developed in the last years with an
dramatically increase of tool life and cutting parameters. The new
developments in drilling technology are shown in the following paper.
Sensors in laser machining
G. Chryssolouris (1)
STC E, 43/2/1994, P.513
Keywords: Laser Machining, Process Control, Sensors |
Abstract : The goal of laser machining is to maximize the material removal rate,
subject to quality constraints. Current industrial practice relies on
trial-and-error to find acceptable process parameters. This is
time-consuming, does not necessarily result in optimal operating
conditions, and does not allow the adaptation of the process parameters
to the actual process conditions. An alternative approach is a
closed-loop control scheme based on in-process sensing. This paper
describes and discusses several techniques for in-255process sensing of
laser machining.
Synergy of laser material processing and metal forming
M. Geiger (1)
STC F, 43/2/1994, P.563
Keywords: Forming, Laser Material Processing, Sheetmetal |
Abstract : It will be shown, on the basis of selected examples in the field of
metal forming, how metal forming and laser beam processing can be
combined in a synergetic way. A characteristic of metal forming is its
ability for large scale manufacturing with high quality. Laser material
processing is characterized by a high process, product, and quantity
flexibility. Synergetic combinations of both processes enable completely
new solutions for products and technologies. Although most of these
developments are still in their initial phase, the first industrial
applications have already proved their potential economical viability.
Applications of artificial intelligence in grinding
W.B. Rowe (1), L. Yan, I. Inasaki (1), S. Malkin (1)
STC G, 43/2/1994, P.521
Keywords: Grinding, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Control |
Abstract : The application of AI technologies using modem computers and controllers
is seen as a way forward to produce higher quality com255ponents more
efficiently with smaller batch sizes and more frequent changeovers.
Users continue to demand better accuracy, surface integrity, and shorter
cycle times with reduced operator intervention and increased
flexibility. This paper reviews research into the use of AI methods to
harness the knowledge and skills required to plan, set-up, operate and
control grinding processes. Basic AI concepts are introduced and
discussed particularly in the context of application to grinding. Two
main trends are evidenced in the development of AI technologies in
grinding: desktop systems to assist tool and parameter selection and
self-optimizing systems inte255grated within the machine controller. It is
predicted that future developments will favor increasing communication
between these two levels of control within a CIM environment. The
development of modular systems which are sufficiently robust to plan,
super255vise and control abrasive processes requires ongoing research and
Management and control of complexity in manufacturing
H.P. Wiendahl (1), P. Scholtissek
STC O, 43/2/1994, P.533
Keywords: Manufacturing, Modelling, Optimization |
Abstract : The manufacturing process in industry calls for new answers to deal with
growing complexity, which has its origin in the globalization of
business, demand for systems instead of single products, introduction of
new materials and technologies and consideration of life-cycle aspects.
Companies react by diversification into business fields and within their
firms by segmentation of systems. In contrast to this the scientific
community presents solutions for structures with growing complexity. The
aim of the paper is to make us aware of this development and to
encourage ourselves to direct our research towards concepts which reduce
complexity and support simplicity.
Gloss and surface topography
D.J. Whitehouse (1), D.K. Bowen, V.C. Venkatesh (1), P. Lonardo (1), C.A. Brown
STC S, 43/2/1994, P.541
Keywords: |
Abstract : Optical reflection and dispersion from surfaces are examined. Some of
the early experiments are reviewed. This is followed by a consideration
of conventional and more recent theoretical approaches. Applications of
gloss are discussed with respect to manufacturing engineering and
finally considerations of colour and surface interrogation by x-rays are