The year 2014 was successful for the Scientific Technical Committee STC “G”. In the January STC G meeting in Paris, 52 participants attended. In the STC G meeting in Part II of the General Assembly in Nantes in August the attendance was of 55 experts.
In the January STC G meeting the contents of the 2014 keynote paper “High Energy Fluid Jet Machining” coordinated by Mr. Axinte and Mr. Karpuschewski was confirmed and approved. The 2015 keynote paper “Abrasive Machining of Advanced Aerospace Alloys and Composites” coordinated by Mr. Klocke, Mr. Soo, and Mr. Karpuschewski was also confirmed, and the outline was approved. An update of the 2016 keynote paper “Abrasive Fine-Finishing Technology” coordinated by Mr. Hashimoto was given, and the contents were accepted by the audience.
In the January STC G meeting the contents of the 2014 keynote paper “High Energy Fluid Jet Machining” coordinated by Mr. Axinte and Mr. Karpuschewski was confirmed and approved. The 2015 keynote paper “Abrasive Machining of Advanced Aerospace Alloys and Composites” coordinated by Mr. Klocke, Mr. Soo, and Mr. Karpuschewski was also confirmed, and the outline was approved. An update of the 2016 keynote paper “Abrasive Fine-Finishing Technology” coordinated by Mr. Hashimoto was given, and the contents were accepted by the audience.
Nine topics in the session of the technical contribution were presented in the January STC G meeting. Those are fixed abrasives wire sawing, grinding with electric rust prevention, new longlife grinding wheel, wear of diamond dressing wheels, visualization of flow characteristics for coolant supply, grinding process of PCBN inserts, kinematical analysis for optimization of double-sided polishing, magnetic abrasive finishing for direct laser sintered tubes, and cutting edge preparation with polishing wheels. Because of the large number of technical contributions, no laboratory presentation was given this time.
The contributions of STC G to Part I of the General Assembly in Nantes included the keynote paper titled “High Energy Fluid Jet Machining” given by Mr. Axinte and nine regular papers. The keynote paper was well received. It gives an excellent overview on the development of high energy fluid jet technologies over the past ten years. The other papers covered a broad range of topics, including diverse contributions on grinding of bone tissue, finishing of implants, fine finishing of diffractive optical element (DOE) lenses, shape adaptive grinding, surface response to overlapping grits, modelling of ploughing, electrochemically assisted reconditioning of polycrystalline diamond tool surfaces for ultra-precision machining, cycle optimization in cam lobe grinding, and process force and technology model for finishing operations.
The STC G technical meeting in the Part II of the General Assembly in Nantes was well visited by 55 participants and included seven technical contributions. The topics covered cleaning of loading by blasting with sodium bicarbonate; generation of nanocrystalline structures by grinding; origin, measurement, and mitigation of chatter marks in surface grinding; methods to predict thermal limits in grinding; phase transformation induced by thermomechanical stress during grinding; grinding of direct metal laser sintered (DMLS) parts; and application of plain waterjet with 10 kbar. The 2014 keynote paper was fully accepted and well received. The contents of the 2015 keynote paper “Abrasive Machining of Advanced Aerospace Alloys and Composites” coordinated by Mr. Klocke, Mr. Soo, and Mr. Karpuschewski were presented and again confirmed. An update of the 2016 keynote paper “Abrasive Fine Finishing Technologies” coordinated by Mr. Hashimoto was also confirmed.
Four different proposals for future STC G keynote papers were presented. The audience decided to encourage further proposals for the next meeting in February 2015 in Paris. However, all other presentations on abrasive-related topics will also be welcome.
Election of the new STC G officers for the period starting from 2015 took place. Mr. Fukuo Hashimoto stepped back after 3 years of service as Chairman of STC G to the end of 2014 and was replaced by Mr. Jan Aurich after unanimous approval. Mr. Konrad Wegener was unanimously elected as Vice Chairman. Mrs. Hitomi Yamaguchi was unanimously elected as the new Secretary of STC G. The new chairman thanked Mr. Hashimoto for his excellent work and promised to continue to the benefit of STC G
Fukuo Hashimoto, Chairman, STC G, 26th of October 2014