The Scientific Technical Committee (Electro-Physical & Chemical Processes) STC E held two meetings in 2018: Paris, France, on February 23 and Tokyo, Japan, on August 24. The meetings were chaired by STC E chairman Prof. Paulo Bartolo.

The technical presentations and discussions at the Paris meeting included:Characteristics, Opportunities and Technologies for Space Manufacturing” (B. Hon); “New Gravitational Environment for Research on Production Technologies” (L. Overmeyer); “Modeling and Simulation of Gravity Effects in Laser Metal Deposition for Potential Space Applications” (L. Li); “Inflatable Space Structures” (A. Malshe); “Evaluation of Metal Structure in Directed Energy Deposition Applying Cooling Process” (R. Koike); “Hybrid Processes in Additive Manufacturing” (M. Sealy); “Development and Evaluation of a Hybrid Additive-Subtractive Process Chain” (P. Penchev); “A Novel Method to Increase Density of Ceramic Parts in Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing” (ZJ Pei).

During the August meeting (in Tokyo), the following technical presentations were given and discussed: “Laser Remelting of Metal SLM Surfaces: How are Partially Adhered Particles Incorporated?” (F.E. Pfefferkorn); “Stainless Foam Fabrication by Containing Titanium Hydride into Direct Energy Deposition” (R. Koike); “Laser Powder Bed Fusion of a Metal Matrix Composite for the Chemical Process Industry” (B. Paul); “Free Form Fabrication of Fibre Reinforced PLA Filaments” (E. Ferraris); “Ceramic Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing: Particle Encapsulation for Increasing Powder Sinterability and Part Strength” (ZJ Pei); “Novel Laser Induced Metallization for Circuits on Three-Dimensional Structured Device by Spray Method” (T.-H. Chou); “Laser Shock Peening during LPBF-processing: Is this Feasible?” (A.B. Spierings); “Ongoing Work on the Development of Highly Conductive Hybrid Composites” (A. Islam).

During the Paris and the Tokyo meetings, the progress of this year’s and up-coming keynote papers were discussed: STC E Keynote 2018 “Advances in Macro-Scale Laser Procesing” (M. Schmidt, L. Overmeyer, F. Vollertsen, M. Zäh, L. Li, J. Duflou); Cross-STC Keynote 2018 “Bio-Inspired Texturing” (A. Malshe, K. Rajurkar, H. Haitjema, S. Bapat); STC E Keynote 2019 “Visualization of Electro-physical and Chemical Processes” (M. Kunieda, L. Overmeyer, A. Klink); STC E Keynote 2020 “Space Manufacturing” (B. Hon, L. Overmeyer, K. Thompson, L. Li, A. Malshe, J. Duflou, J. Vickers); STC E Keynote 2021 “Ultrafast Laser Manufacturing: from Physics to Industrial Applications,” (L. Orazi, L. Romoli, L. Li, M. Schmidt); STC E Keynote 2022 “Bioprinting: Materials, Processes, and Applications,” (P. Bartolo, A. Malshe, E. Ferraris, B. Koc).

During the Paris meeting an update on the Collaborative Working Group on “Emerging Technologies: Additive Manufacturing” was presented and the proposed Collaborative Working Group on “Industrial Symbiosis in Discrete Manufacturing” was discussed. During the Tokyo meeting, updates on the Collaborative Working Groups “Emerging Technologies: Additive Manufacturing”, “Industrial Symbiosis in Discrete Manufacturing”, and “Biologicalization in Manufacturing.”

During the Paris meeting an update on ISEM 2018 (Bilbao, Spain) was given, the LANE 2018 conference (Fürth, Germany; September, 2018) was approved, and the 20th ISEM (Zürich, Switzerland; June 2020) was approved. During the Tokyo meeting the CIRPe – CIRP Global Web Conference (web-based conference for the Research Affiliates) and the 17th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM 2019) to be held in Shanghai, China, were approved.

During the STC E paper session at the General Assembly in Tokyo, 19 papers were presented followed by discussions (questions and answers). All 19 papers were included in Vol. 1 of the CIRP Annals. The papers covered the following topics: Additive Manufacturing (9), Electro-Discharge Machining and Electro-Chemical Machining (6), Laser-based Manufacturing (2), and Thin-film Processes (2).

The STC E Keynote Paper “Advances in Macro-scale Laser Processing” was presented by M. Schmidt during the general session on August 20, 2018. In addition, the Cross-STC Keynote Paper “Bio-inspired Textures for Functional Applications“ was presented by STC E member K. Rajukar during the general session on August 20, 2018.