Meetings held

The Scientific Technical Committee Design “STC Dn” had two meetings in 2011: in Paris on January 28 and in Budapest during the General Assembly on August 25. The January meeting was attended by 61 persons, in Budapest, 66 people attended.

Additionally, STC Dn members attended the Track 3 meetings in Paris and Pisa.


In line with the track structure, (progress) reports on the following conferences were presented during the meetings:
•    CIRP Design Conference 2011 (Korea)
•    CIRP Design Conference 2012 (India)
•    CIRP Design Conference 2013 (Germany)

•    CIRP CAT Conference 2012 (U.K.)


STC Dn has been working on, or is preparing the following keynotes:
•    2011 - “Biologically inspired design” L. Shu and K. Ueda.
•    2012 - “Augmented reality applications in design and manufacturing.”  A. Nee, P. Ong, G. Chryssolouris
•    2013 – “Tools and techniques in Product Development.” E. Lutters et al.

Dn Publications

During the 61th CIRP General Assembly in Budapest, 13 Dn papers were presented and discussed.

Technical Presentations

During the January meeting, the following technical presentations were given:
•    Capability based PSS conceptual design
     Raj Roy
•    Comparison of stiffness evaluation approaches on the design stage: Analysis and a new method description
     Yair Schneor

During the August meeting, the following technical presentations were given:
•    Eurocopter Design Expectations
     E. Mermoz
•    The coupled design of Fukushima Nuclear Plants
     M. Nakao
•    Design Integrated Manufacturing Engineering Education
     P. Gu

Other business

Following the survey held in 2010, the STC officers have proposed a strategic plan for STC Dn, encompassing a number of initiatives to address future plans for the STC. These activities include e.g. the development of three task forces, focusing on “Design Method(ology)”, “Tools & Techniques” and “Industrial Connection & Best Practices”. Although the task forces have not have ‘flying starts’, first results have already been visible in the Budapest meeting and in a proposal for the 2013 keynote.
Moreover, the STC officers have been working on a ‘Conference template’ for the CIRP Design conferences, facilitating local organisers in their work. This includes contact with the Procedia initiative.
STC Dn is involved in the CIRPedia initiative, in which a substantial amount of work has been reached before the deadline.


The officers of STC Dn are:
•    Chair: P. Gu
•    Co-Chair: A. Bernard
•    Secretary: E. Lutters
For further details on the activities of STC Dn, please consult the minutes from the meetings in Paris and Budapest.