CIRP Annals Online sorted by Year and Volume
Assembly of Micro-System
H. Van Brussel (1) , J. Peirs, D. Reynaerts, A. Delchambre, G. Reinhart (2) , N. Roth (2) , M. Weck (1), E. Zussman (2)
STC A, 49/2/2000, P.451
Keywords: Assembly systems, Miniaturisation, Micro-electromechanical systems |
Abstract : In the microworld, as well as in the macroworld, assembly is a crucial
operation in the genesis of a product. This keynote paper focusses on
the assembly problems occurring in the manufacturing cycle of
microsystems. Scaling effects make that the assembly problems are
different in the microworld. The different assembly operations and
techniques, like manipulation by physical contact, non-contact
manipulation, smart assembly techniques, and joining methods are
thoroughly discussed. Finally, some relevant examples of micro-assembly
systems and of assembled microproducts are given.
Cutting of hardened steel
H.K. Toenshoff (1) , C. Arendt, R. Ben Amor
STC C, 49/2/2000, P.547
Keywords: Hard cutting, chip removal, machine, cutting tool, quality of work |
Abstract : Cutting of hardened steel is a topic of high interest for today's
industrial production and scientific research. Machine parts consisting
of hardened steel are high performance components which are often loaded
near their physical limits. The functional behavior of machined parts is
decisively influenced by the fine finishing process which represents the
last step in the process chain and can as well be undertaken by cutting
as grinding. An overview of the mechanisms of chip removal in hard
cutting and the thermo255mechanical influence of the work area is
presented. Furthermore, several models of chip removal in hard turning
are introduced and discussed summarizing the metallurgical fundamentals
and giving an overview on stress and temperature distributions in the
work area. Boundary conditions for hard cutting as e.g. machine tools,
cutting materials and others are subject to discussion to determine the
achievable workpiece quality and economic efficiency of hard cutting
processes in comparison with grinding.
State-of-the-art on Micromachining
T. Masuzawa (1)
STC E, 49/2/2000, P.473
Keywords: Micro-machining, Micro-technology, Micro-product |
Abstract : Miniaturization is proceeding in various types of industrial products.
Micromachining is the foundation of the technology to realize such
miniaturized products. In this paper, the author summarizes the basic
concepts and applications of major methods of micromachining. The basic
characteristics of each group of methods are discussed based on
different machining phenomena. Promising methods are introduced in
detail hinting at suitable areas of application. Finally, the present
state of these technologies is shown with examples of experimental and
practical applications.
Tribology in metal rolling
J. Lenard (1)
STC F, 49/2/2000, P.567
Keywords: tribology, rolling, steel, aluminium |
Abstract : The techniques of bulk metal forming and especially flat rolling are
reasonably well known. Productivity and quality improvements are
possible by introducing responsive control systems in addition to paying
detailed attention to the events at the surface of contact between the
rolled metal and the forming die - the work roll. The transfer of
thermal and mechanical energy is accomplished at that contact.
Examination of the phenomena there form the field of tribology, the
study of contacting surfaces in relative motion. The significant
components of tribology in the rolling process are reviewed in the
keynote presentation. Friction, lubrication and heat transfer are
considered. Novel approaches to understanding the tribological
mechanisms and fields for further study are discussed.
Collaborative research in CIRP and the STC-G experience
F. Klocke (1), A. Baus, T. Merbecks
STC G, 49/2/2000, P.489
Keywords: Co-operative, Research, Grinding |
Abstract : Production engineering is typified by constant change. Solutions for
complex problems must be devised at an ever faster pace. National
frontiers are falling, and the ability to act globally is becoming a
vital factor. Inter255disciplinary co-operation in international teams is
the motto of the day. All these factors present a new chal255lenge to
production engineering. Collaborative Research is a response to that
challenge. CIRP, as the global platform for production engineering
research, looks back on a long tradition of successful collaborative
re255search. The present paper presents experience and results from joint
research in the STC-G (Abrasive Proc255esses) on the "Characterisation of
vitrified bonded CBN grinding wheels". It also outlines the results of a
sur255vey in which CIRP members report their experience in collaborative
work within CIRP, and suggest future forms which CIRP collaborative
research might take.
Tooling structure - Interface between cutting edge and machine tool
E. Rivin (1)
STC M, 49/2/2000, P.591
Keywords: tooling, stiffness, damping |
Abstract : With a significant progress achieved both in new cutting materials and
in machine tool design, the weakest link in the machining system is, in
many cases, the tooling structure serving as an interface between the
cutting insert and the machine tool. Inadequacy of the tooling structure
results in excessive static deflections limiting the achievable
accuracy, and in forced and self-excited vibrations limiting the cutting
regimes and surface finish of the machined surface. In order to advance
the tooling structures' technology, it is important to assess the state
of the art, keeping in mind that the majority of publications on the
subject is not in English. This paper provides a world255wide analytical
survey on six important subjects related to tooling structures: 1)
Influence of machining system parameters on tool life and process
stability; 2) Stiffness and damping of tools; 3) Tool/toolholder
interfaces (tool clamping devices); 4) Modular tooling; 5) Tool-machine
interfaces; 6) Tool balancing for high speed machine tools.
Life Cycle management and assessment: approaches and visions towards sustainable Manufacturing
E. Westkaemper (1) , L. Alting (1), G. Arndt (1)
STC O, 49/2/2000, P.501
Keywords: sustainable industrial production, economy and ecology, assessment |
Abstract : Thinking in terms of product life cycles is one of the challenges facing
manufacturers today: efforts to increase efficiency throughout the life
cycle do not only lead to an extended responsibility of the concerned
parties. As a result, economically successful business areas can be
explored. Whether new service concepts are required, new regulations
have been passed or consumers values are changing, the differences
between business areas are disappearing. "Life Cycle Management" (LCM)
considers the product life cycle as a whole and optimizes the
interaction of product design, manufacturing and life cycle activities.
The goal of this approach is to protect resources and maximize the
effectiveness during usage by means of Life Cycle Assessment, Product
Data Management, Technical Support and last but not least by Life Cycle
Costing. This paper shows the existing approaches of LCM and discusses
their visions and further development.
Nanotechnology: international developments and emerging products
J. Corbett (2) , P A. McKeown (1), G.N. Peggs (1) , R. Whatmore
STC P, 49/2/2000, P.523
Keywords: Nanotechnology, miniaturisation, microengineering, precision engineering |
Abstract : Nanotechnology is becoming vitally important in many industrial fields,
offering significant wealth creating opportunities and massive
improvements to standards of living. This paper describes the current
state-of-the255art, emphasises its multi-disciplinary nature and conveys
the enormous impact that nanotechnology will progressively make on
materials, product and process research and thence on to manufacturing
technologies, industry and the economies of countries throughout the world.
Quantitative characterisation of surface texture
L. De Chiffre (1) , P. Lonardo (1) , H. Trumpold (1) , D.A. Lucca (1) , G. Goch (2) , C.A. Brown (2), J. Raja, H.N. Hansen
STC S, 49/2/2000, P.635
Keywords: metrology, surface roughness, function |
Abstract : This paper reviews the different methods used to give a quantitative
characterisation of surface texture. The paper contains a review of
conventional 2D as well as 3D roughness parameters, with particular
emphasis on recent international standards and developments. It presents
new texture characterisation methods, such as fractals, wavelets, change
trees and others, including for each method a short review, the
parameters that the new methods calculate, and applications of the
methods to solve surface problems. The paper contains a discussion on
the relevance of the different parameters and quantification methods in
terms of functional correlations, and it addresses the need for reducing
the large number of existing parameters. The review considers the
present situation and gives suggestions for future activities.