CIRP Annals Online sorted by Year and Volume
Tool Condition Monitoring (TCM) - The status of Research and Industrial Applications
G. Byrne (2), D. Dornfeld (2), I. Inasaki (1), G. Ketteler, W. König (1), R. Teti (2)
STC C, 44/2/1995, P.541
Keywords: Tool Monitoring, Sensor, Signal Processing, Machining, Grinding, Reliatibility, Industrial Application |
Abstract : The use of sensor systems for tool condition monitoring in machining and
grinding is becoming more commonplace to enhance productivity. Many
approaches have been proposed to accomplish tool condition monitoring
and a number of these are successfully employed in industry. This paper
reviews the motivation and basis for the utilization of these systems in
industry, the sensors used in such systems including industrial
application, new developments in signal and information processing,
sensor based process optimization and control and directions for future
developments. Main developments noted include the use of multiple
sensors in systems for increased reliability, the development of
intelligent sensors with improved signal processing and decision-making
capability and the implementation of sensor systems in open architecture
controllers for machine tool control.
STC Dn |
Life Cycle Engineering and Design
L. Alting (1), J. Brobech Legarth
STC Dn, 44/2/1995, P.569
Keywords: Environment, Product Design, Disassembling |
Abstract : This paper addresses the state-of-the-art in life cycle
engineering/design. Actions taken by industry are discussed followed by
a focus on life cycle design strategies, with special emphasis on design
for low energy consumption in the use phase and design for disassembly.
Life cycle design tools and methods and tools for design for recycling
are further discussed generally with an overview of the tools most used
by life cycle engineers. Finally, the implementation of life cycle
design systems in industry's product development schemes is discussed.
Towards Clean Forming Techniques
M. Geiger (1)
STC F, 44/2/1995, P.581
Keywords: Forming, Environment, Assessment |
Abstract : Today's metal forming techniques can not be considered to be clean yet.
On the one hand, metal forming industry produces - besides the piece
desired - several residues and emissions which are more or less harmful
and have to be handled. On the other hand, forming processes consume
valuable energy and resources. Both aspects are well-known and adequate
strategies towards clean forming are presented in this paper, e.g. the
reduction and substitution of current lubricants. The fundamental
problem, however, is the question how to assess and compare the overall
cleanness of alternative processes and agents.
Reduction and Compensation of Thermal Errors in Machine Tools
M. Weck (1), P.A. McKeown (1), R. Bonse, U. Herbst and al
STC M, 44/2/1995, P.589
Keywords: Accuracy, Thermal Stress, Optimisation, Compensation |
Abstract : The main reasons for dimensional and geometric errors in workpieces
produced on machine tools include low static stiffness of the machine
structure, low dynamic performance of feed drives, tool wear and thermal
deformations of the tool, machine and workpiece. This paper describes
the latest research in analyzing and reduction of thermally induced
deformations in machine tools which lead to thermal drift displacements
be255tween tool and workpiece. A brief introduction to the problem is
followed by an analysis of different heat sources and how they
deformations. Attention is drawn to measures for reducing thermal drift
as a mayor cause of errors in machine tools.
Geometric Error Measurement and Compensation of Machines
S. Sartori (1), G.X. Zhang (1)
STC P, 44/2/1995, P.599
Keywords: Machine, Geometric Modelling, Compensation |
Abstract : Methods for geometric error measurement are classified in direct and
self-calibration, according to the use of calibrated or uncalibrated
standard and to the strategy for the generation of information about
errors. A vectorial equation for geometric error description is
presented, which is independent from the machine structure. The
evaluation of measurement effectiveness is discussed and error
compensation methods and strategies are examined. The reasons why
software compensation techniques are applied at production level to CMM
and not to machine tools are discussed. Some topics for implementation
are proposed.
Observations on Polishing and Ultra-Precision Machining of Semiconductor Substrate Materials
V.C. Venkatesh (1), I. Inasaki (1), H.K. Toenshoff (1), T. Nakagawa (1), I.D. Marinescu
STC S, 44/2/1995, P.611
Keywords: Chemical-Mechanical Polishing, Ultra-Precision Grinding, Semi-Conductor Materials |
Abstract : Among the polishing techniques used for semi-conductor materials that
are hard and brittle (Si), chemical-mechanical polishing (CM P) has many
advantages and a few serious disadvantages too. For materials that are
soft and brittle like GaAs, GaP, and InP, which have a very promising
future, the CMP technique is now possible without the use of toxic
agents. The elimination of the polishing process altogether, or a
substantial reduction in polishing time is another strategy that has
been successfully established by the use of electrolytic in-process
dressing techniques (ELID). At the same time there are applications
where profile requirements are not stringent like inexpensive night
vision. lenses, where partial ductile grinding and simple mechanical
polishing are highly economical. Finally a simulated model for ultra
precision grinding is presented here.