The Scientific Technical Committee Surfaces (STC S) had two meetings in 2014 - in Paris on January 23 and in Nantes on August 28. The STC S meetings were attended by 93 participants in Paris and 74 participants in Nantes.
During the STC S meetings future keynote papers and cooperative work was discussed. In particular G. Tossello presented the status on a round robin related to optical measurement of polymer surfaces.
In January, 10 short technical presentations were given followed by a lively discussion:
1. Manufacture and characterization of 3D nano-structured micro-geometries (G. Tosello, H.N. Hansen, M. Calaon)
2. Software issues concerning calibration and verification of areal texture measuring instruments, (J. F. Jørgensen)
3. Measurement of surface roughness by AFM: a new EURAMET cooperation in research project (L. Koenders, T. Dziomba, H. Bosse)
4. A new traceable interferometer for micro-sphere measurement (R. Leach)
5. ISO 25178-60x and 70x standards for specification, calibration and validation of instruments to measure areal topography, (L. Koenders, R. Krüger-Sehm, T. Dziomba, H. Bosse)
6. Update on curvature as a multi-scale characterization of topographies (Christopher A. Brown, WPI)
7. Development of osteoinductive micro-structured polymer surfaces for differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells(G. Lucchetta, E. Savio, S. Carmignato)
8. Texturing (A. Malshe)
9. Mechanical surface treatment by Piezopeening, a new controlled process (Franziska Lienert, Jürgen Hoffmeister, Volker Schulze)
10. Plasma Processing Under Atmospheric Pressure: A New Route to Material Design with Nanometer-level Accuracy (K. Yamamura, Osaka University)
In August, 10 short technical presentations were given followed by a lively discussion:
1. Pulsed Laser ablation on Titanium sheet for biomedical devices (Ceretti, Giorleo, Giardini).
2. Characterization of periodic pattern in tessellated surfaces (Macaulay, Senin, Giusca, Leach).
3. Multifunction surface filtering. A new approach (Whitehouse)
4. Update on curvature as a multi-scale characterization of topographies (C. Brown)
5. Influence of Cutting Processes on Surface Integrity (Schulze, Ambrosy, Zanger).
6. Statistical Differentiation of Rough Finite Element Surface Models (Thompson, Clemmensen)
7. Study on field emission characteristics of nano-diamond tips grown on AAO templates with different aspect ratios (Tsai, Ma)
8. Fabrication of 3D silver structures using aerodynamically focused nanoparticle (AFN) printing. (Lee, Yoon, Kim, Ahn, Chun)
9. Surface analysis for planarization process using polyglycerol-functionalized diamond nanoparticle (Takaya)
10. Fatigue strength of diamond coatings assessed by inclined impact test. (Bouzakis, Skordaris, Bouzakis, Makrimallakis, Kombogiannis, Lemmer)
Details of the technical presentations and discussions at the 2014 STC S meetings can be found in the complete minutes of these meetings, produced by Professor B. Mullany, technical secretary of STC S. The minutes including annexes are available to CIRP members at the CIRP website.
The 2014 keynote paper of STC S entitled “Role of Surfaces and Interfaces in Solar Cell Manufacturing” was presented by A. Chandra preceding the S-paper session of the General Assembly in Nantes.
A. Chandra coordinated this paper with G.Anderson, S.Melkote, W.Gao. H. Haitjema and K. Wegener. The paper was well received by the assembly and the STC S.
The paper session of STC S was took place during the CIRP General Assembly part 1, at August 27. A total of 12 high quality papers were presented and good discussions followed all papers.
H. Haitjema, Chairman STC S