The Scientific Technical Committee Surfaces (STC S) had two meetings in 2019 - in Paris, France, on February 21st and in Birmingham, UK on August 22nd. The STC S meetings were attended by 127 participants in Paris and 77 participants in Tokyo.
During the STC S meetings future keynote papers and cooperative work were discussed.
At the February 21st meeting: Future keynote paper updates were given, and cooperative initiatives were discussed. H. Haitjema presented a collaborative effort on the topic of “CIRP Surface topography noise comparison”. The goal of the group is to “road test” the ISO definition and procedures for measurement noise on a variety of instruments, and to provide good-practice guidance to the user community for quantifying and specifying noise values. An update will be presented in the Birmingham GA meeting.
Seven short technical presentations were given followed by a lively discussion:
- Computer vision-based precision positioning using ultra-precision diamond machined polar microstructured surface (B. Cheung, C. Zhao)
- A proposal for a simplified framework for surface texture parameters (F. Blateyron, B. Leroy)
- A simple model linking surface roughness with friction coefficient and manufacturing cost – an update (L. De Chiffre, N. Bay, Ö. Kücükyildiz, C. Valentin Nielsen)
- Surface modification through ultrasonic vibration turning to enhance wettability for coating deposition (R. Bertolini, S. Bruschi, A. Ghiotti, E. Savio)
- Surface modification of metals using co-flowing cavitating water jets (A. Marcon, S. Melkote)
- Laser-assisted thermal replication of microstructured surface (K. Nagato, M. Nakao)
- Evaluation of surface integrity, following needle peening of aeroengine components (D. Bhaduri, A. Alexandridis, S. Soe, R. Setchi, J. Pugh, N. Tibbetts)
At the August 22nd meeting: Future keynote paper updates were provided, and cooperative initiatives were discussed. H. Haitjema, the coordinator of the “CIRP Surface topography noise comparison” collaborative effort presented the status of the round robin measurement schedule of the designated samples. An update will be presented at the Paris 2020 meeting. B. Mullany provided an update on how the STC supports the CIRP sustainability vision. R. Leach outlined how STC S can contribute to the CWG on AM. Elections for the new STC S secretary were held and G. Tosello was elected to the position.
Seven short technical presentations were given followed by a lively discussion:
- Near surface transformations of thick stainless steel AM coatings after turning and ball burnishing (C. Courbon, A. Sova, F. Valiorgue, Ph. Bertrand, J. Rech)
- Experimental-analytical determination of the superficial mechanical properties gradation of chemically treated cemented carbide inserts (K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Skordaris, T. Kotsanis, P. Charalambous, A. Bouzakis, O. Lemmer, W. Kölker, M. Woda)
- New models for time-dependent processes enable accurate generation of freeforms (D. Axinte, J. Billingham)
- Surface simulation for ultra-precision milling with multiple cutting edges (L. Schönemann, O. Riemer, E. Brinksmeier, B. Karpuschewski)
- High precision 3D evaluation method for hardness testing (B. Daemi, A. Archenti)
- Some observations on STR, measurement noise, and Type A evaluation of uncertainty contributions in surface metrology (C. Evans, K. Venditti, D. Quagliotti)
- Functional tolerancing of surface texture (J. Berglund, R. Söderberg, K. Wärmefjord)
Details of the technical presentations and discussions at the 2019 STC S meetings can be found in the complete minutes of these meetings, prepared by R. Leach, technical secretary of STC S. The minutes including annexes are available to CIRP members at the CIRP website.
The paper session of STC S took place during the CIRP General Assembly part 1. A total of 10 high quality papers were presented and good discussions followed all papers. Details are available on the Publications section of the CIRP website and on ScienceDirect.
Prof. Brigid Mullany, Chair of STC S