STC O - 2013 Annual Report

The meetings of the Scientific Technical Committee "O" were held on 24 January, 2013 in Paris, France (76 members, 12 research affiliates, 28 guests), and on 23 August, 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark (49 members, 17 research affiliates, 17 guests).

The major activities of STC O were the following:

Manufacturing Systems Conferences

Proposal was approved to have the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS), 3 - 5 June, 2015 in the Gulf of Naples, Italy. Conference Chairman: R. Teti.
No other issue was remaining from the Track 3 meetings.

Keynote Papers

At the General Assembly, it was confirmed that the 2014 Keynote Paper will be “Design and management of manufacturing systems for production quality”, co-ordinated by T. Tolio and M. Colledani, and co-authored, depending on contribution, by G. Lanza, R. Schmitt, J. Hu, J. Váncza, Y. Koren, D. Ceglarek and A. Fischer.
For 2015 one proposal was approved: “Prognosis for cloud manufacturing” (provisional title), initiated by R. Gao and L. Wang. The proposal was supported also by R. Teti, D. Dornfeld, M. Mori, and A. Vijayaraghavan.
For 2016 one keynote proposal was initiated: “Cyber-physical systems in manufacturing” by L. Monostori and B. Kádár. The proposal was supported also by S. Kumara, G. Reinhart, O. Sauer, W. Sihn and K. Ueda.

Paper Presentations and Technical Reports

During the STC O Paper Session at the General Assembly in Copenhagen, Denmark, one keynote and 18 papers were presented and discussed.
At the two STC O Meetings in 2013, a total of 17 technical presentations (8 in January, and 9 in August) were delivered and discussed. In August two technical presentations have been postponed to the 2014 January Meeting.

Corporate Members' Activities and Issues

Both during the January Meeting and the General Assembly, Vice-Chairman of STC O, R. Teti reported on the CMAG meetings and the actual efforts of CIRP aimed at increasing the involvement of corporate members within the activities of STCs. During the STC O Paper Session of the GA, a cooperative industry-academy paper was jointly presented.

Election of STC O officers

During the STC O Meeting at the GA, new officers were unanimously elected:
• Chairman: R. Teti
• Vice-Chairman: J. Váncza
• Technical Secretary: G. Lanza