STC O - 2022 Annual Report

The meetings of the Scientific Technical Committee O were held digitally on 17th February 2022 (Paris, FR) (82 members, 10 corporate members, 7 research affiliates, 8 invited guests), and in a hybrid format on 26th August 2022 (Bilbao, ES) (44 members, 7 corporate members, 4 research affiliates, 12 invited guests).

The major activities of STC O were the following:  

CIRP Manufacturing Systems Conferences (CMS series)

Short reports on the organization and preparation of CIRP CMS conferences were delivered:

Keynote Papers

The actual status of the following keynote papers was presented and discussed in detail:

Besides, the following keynote paper proposal was given in February:

In August, it was then decided that this would also be the 2025 keynote paper.

Besides, there were also three proposals for the 2026 keynote during the STC O meeting in August (no voting has taken place so far):

Paper Presentations and Technical Reports

During the General Assembly in summer, one keynote paper presentation was delivered by A. Nassehi, and in the STC O session, 11 regular papers were presented and discussed.

At the two STC O meetings in 2022, a total of 10 technical presentations (4 in February, and 6 in August) were delivered and discussed. While the February talks focused on STC O research area (1) “Conceptualisation and shaping of innovative evolving production systems”, the talks in August were organized around STC O focus area (2) “Orchestration, management and operation of production systems and networks”.

CIRP Novel Topics in Production Engineering

In terms of the CIRP Novel Topics in Production Engineering, two proposals were provided during the STC O August meeting:

The two proposals are supported by the meeting participants and will therefore be submitted to the Editorial Committee.