STC O - 2021 Annual Report

The meetings of the Scientific Technical Committee O were held digitally on 17th February 2021 (Paris, FR) (83 members, 18 corporate members, 16 research affiliates, 8 invited guests), and on 27th August 2021 (Munich, DE) (45 members, 6 research affiliates, 12 invited guests).

The major activities of STC O were the following: 

CIRP Manufacturing Systems Conferences (CMS series)

Short reports on the organization and preparation of CIRP CMS conferences were delivered:

Keynote Papers

Actual status of keynote papers were presented and discussed in detail:

Besides, the following keynote paper proposals were given in February:

It was decided that the 2023 keynote paper will be:

In August, it was then decided that the 2024 keynote paper will be:

Paper Presentations and Technical Reports

During the General Assembly in summer, one external keynote paper presentation was delivered by H. ElMaraghy, and in the STC O session 15 regular papers were presented and discussed.

At the two STC O Meetings in 2021, a total of 16 technical presentations (9 in February, and 7 in August) were delivered and discussed. All the technical talks were organized the following topics:

Support of Collaborative Working Groups

Brief reports on the works of the following CWGs have been given:

STC O Mission and Topics

In 2021, the Mission & Topics of STC O have been discussed and revised. The updated STC O Mission now is:

“STC O addresses optimised design, modelling, orchestration, management and operation of sustainable, societally-conscious production systems.

Production systems encompass work cells, lines, factories, networks, service systems and other value-generating industrial organisations.”

Research areas thereby include: