STC O - 2019 Annual Report

The meetings of the Scientific Technical Committee O were held on 21st February 2019 in Paris (72 members, 19 research affiliates, 10 invited guests), and on 23rd August 2019 in Birmingham, UK (51 members, 13 research affiliates, 15 invited guests).

The major activities of STC O were the following: 

CIRP Manufacturing Systems Conferences (CMS series)

Short reports on the organization and preparation of CIRP CMS conferences were delivered:

Keynote Papers

Actual status of keynote papers were presented and discussed in detail:

In August, it was decided that the 2022 keynote paper will be:

Paper Presentations and Technical Reports

During the General Assembly in Birmingham one internal keynote paper presentation was delivered by G. Lanza, and in the STC O session 19 regular papers were presented and discussed.

At the two STC O Meetings in 2019, a total of 14 technical presentations (7 in February, and 7 in August) were delivered and discussed. All the technical talks were organized around special topics such as

In August, J. Váncza summarized the contributions STC O made so far to environmental sustainability in the context of the new, extended vision of CIRP. 

Support of Collaborative Working Groups

In August, 2019 new STC O officers were elected:

Chair: G. Lanza
Vice-Chair: T. Tolio
Secretary: A. Nassehi

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