Meetings held

The Scientific Technical Committee Design (STC Dn) had two meetings in 2014: in Paris on January 24 and in Nantes during the General Assembly on August 28. The January meeting was attended by 82 persons, in Nantes 96 persons attended.
Additionally, STC Dn members attended and supported pro-actively the collaborative working group meetings in Paris and Nantes.


In line with the new CIRP headquarter guidelines only very short updated reports on the following conferences were presented during the meetings:
• CIRP Design Conference 2015 (Israel)
• CIRP Design Conference 2016 (Sweden)
• CIRP CAT Conference 2014 (China)


STC Dn has been working on, or is preparing the following keynotes:
• 2014 – “Tools and techniques in product design: present and future” E. Lutters et al.
• 2015 – “Automating Design with Intelligent Human-Machine Integration” Y. Yin et al.
• 2016 – “Design for additive Manufacturing”, G. Moroni et al.
• 2017 – “Design for reduction of energy use consumption” J. Duflou et al.

Dn Publications

During the 64th CIRP General Assembly in Nantes, 19 Dn papers were presented and discussed.

Technical Presentations

During the January (Paris) meeting, the following technical presentations were given:
• Smart Product Engineering – German National initiatives towards the 4th Industrial Revolution, M. Abramovici
• An Affective-Cognitive Foundation of User Experience Design in Complex Product-Service Ecosystems, R. J. Jiao
• Feature-based Model for the Synchronization of Micro Part Linkages, K. Tracht
• Rationales and applications of the Twente Approach to Computational Design Synthesis, J. M. Jauregui-Becker
• Towards early estimation of part accuracy in Additive Manufacturing, G. Moroni
• Challenges and solutions in design for additive manufacturing at micro-scale level, L. Podshivalov

During the August (Nantes) meeting, the following technical presentations were given:
• Defining Smart Products, M. Abramovici
• Research activities in Sustainable Product Development & Manufacturing, R. Stark
• Status on additive manufacturing capabilities and need for design optimization, M. B. Bauza
• Development of a User-centric Design Tool for Additive Manufacturing”, S. Kara
• Topology Design Optimization for Additive Manufactured Products, St. T Newman,, A. Freeman,, J. Barrie,, V. Dhokia
• Implementation of AM in product life cycles, T.H.J. Vaneker, W. Wits

Other Business

Having recognized difficulties in the overall key note process the officers have decided to start working on a guideline for key note application, outline, progress report, content confirmation, focus area, state of science & technology description and overall key note preparation timing. Given the clarity until the 2017 keynote it will now be possible to discuss in the next Paris meeting the generic rules and best practices to create and accomplish a key note.

Moreover, the STC officers have been working on a ‘Conference template’ for the CIRP Design conferences, facilitating local organizers in their work. Based on the past experience from the STC Dn meetings in Bochum and Milano it needs to be compared to the Haifa approach in order to conclude on best practices moving forward.

STC Dn is involved in the CIRPedia initiative, in which a substantial amount of work has been reached before the deadline.

STC Dn has started a virtual collaboration group called STC Dn within the professional network linked-in: So far, it has not been used widely enough. Hence a live demo might be conducted in the next Paris meeting. Please note the following steps to get connected to this group: once you are logged on, please use the search field and type in STC Dn: you will be directly located to the group. The goal is that STC Dn can use this forum to establish opportunities for improving on collaboration between the two face-to-face meetings and to reach out to the Design & Development group outside CIRP.


The officers of STC Dn are:
• Chair: A. Bernard
• Vice Chair: E. Lutters
• Secratary: R. Stark

For further details on the activities of STC Dn, please consult the minutes from the meetings in Paris and Nantes.