STC A - 2014 Annual Report


The Scientific Technical Committee: Life Cycle Engineering and Assembly had two meetings in 2014: in Paris on January 23 and in Nantes on August 29. In addition STC A members also participated in the Cross STC 3 meeting in Nantes.

The January STC A meeting in Paris was attended by 87 participants. The Nantes meeting was attended by 76 people.

Conferences and sponsored seminars under STC A are:

Life Cycle Engineering conferences

• 22nd LCE Conference 2015, Sydney, Australia (Prof. Kara)
• 23rd LCE Conference 2016 Berlin, Germany (Prof. Seliger and Prof. Krüger)
• 24th LCE Conference 2017 Tokyo, Japan (Prof. Takata)
• 25th LCE Conference 2018 Copenhagen, Denmark (Prof. Hauschild)
• 26th LCE Conference 2019 LCE Purdue and Michigan, USA (Prof. Sutherland and Prof. Skerlos)
• 27th LCE Conference 2020 Grenoble, France (Prof. Brissaud)

Assembly conferences

• 5th Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems, 2014, Dresden, Germany (Prof. M. Putz)
• 6th Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems, 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden (Prof. R. Soderberg)

STC A Keynote Papers

Future keynote papers will be:
- 2015 Martinsen et al: Joining Technologies in Manufacturing
- 2016 Sutherland et al: The Role of Manufacturing on the Social Dimensions of Sustainability
- 2017 Krüger et al: Innovative Control of Assembly Systems and Lines

Other presentations

At the Paris meeting, the following technical presentations were given:

12 papers were presented in Part I of the General Assembly in Nantes.

The following presentations were given in Part II of the general assembly in Nantes:

Other business

CIRPedia and STC LCE/A involvement: Participants are requested to propose new topics for CIRPedia. Jörg Krüger offered support for assembly-related topics, Wim Dewulf offered support for LCE-related topics.


The officers of STC A in 2014 were:
Chair: Prof. Sami Kara
Vice-chair: Prof. John Sutherland
Secretary: Prof. Jörg Krüger

For further details on the activities of STC A please consult the minutes from the meetings in Paris and Nantes.

Submitted by Sami Kara