STC A - 2013 Annual Report

The Scientific Technical Committee: Life Cycle Engineering and Assembly had two meetings in 2013: in Paris on January 24 and in Copenhagen on August 23. In addition STC A members also participated in the Track 3 meetings in Paris and in Copenhagen.

The January STC A meeting in Paris was attended by 87 participants. The Copenhagen meeting was attended by 84 people.

Conferences and sponsored seminars under STC A are:

Life Cycle Engineering conferences

• 19th LCE Conference 2012, Berkeley, San Francisco (Prof. D. Dornfeld)
• 20th LCA Conference 2013, Singapore (Prof. A. Nee)
• 21th LCE Conference 2014, Trondheim, Norway (Prof. T. Lien)
• 22nd LEC Conference 2015, Sydney, Australia (Prof. Kara)

Assembly conferences:

• 4th Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems, 2012, Michigan, USA (Prof. J. Hu)
• 5th Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems, 2014, Dresden, Germany (Prof. M. Putz)
• 6th Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems, 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden (Prof. R. Soderberg)

STC A Keynote Papers

Future keynote papers will be:

In Copenhagen, Prof. Andrew Nee presented the STC A session keynote paper on “Advanced CAD Model Based Assembly Simulation, Planning and Training” on behalf of the co-authors.

Other presentations

At the Paris meeting, the following technical presentations were given:

11 papers were presented in Part I of the General Assembly in Copenhagen.

The following presentations were given in Part II of the general assembly in Copenhagen:

Other business

Election of STC A Officers:

An election was held during the STC A meeting in Copenhagen. Prof. Sami Kara was elected chair, Prof. John Sutherland was elected Vice Chair, and Prof. Joerg Krueger was elected secretary, of STC A, for a three year term, effective January 1, 2014.


The officers of STC A in 2013 were:

Chair: Prof. S. Jack Hu
Vice-chair: Prof. Sami Kara
Secretary: Prof. John Sutherland

For further details on the activities of STC A please consult the minutes from the meetings in Paris and Copenhagen.

Submitted by
S. Jack Hu