STC O - 2014 Annual Report

The meetings of the Scientific Technical Committee O were held on January 23rd, 2014 in Paris, France (64 members, 16 research affiliates, 29 guests), and on August 29th, 2014 in Nantes, France (57 members, 15 research affiliates, 15 guests).

The major activities of STC O were the following:

Manufacturing Systems Conferences

Proposals were approved to have:
• the 49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS), 25th-27th May 2016 in Stuttgart, Germany, with conference chairmen: E. Westkämper and T. Bauernhansl
• the 50th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS), 3rd-5th May 2017 in Taichung, Taiwan, with conference chairmen: B. J. Lee and J.H. Huang.

Keynote Papers

At the January Meeting, it was approved that the 2016 Keynote Paper will be “Cyber-physical systems in manufacturing”, co-ordinated by L. Monostori and B. Kádár, and co-authored by T. Bauernhansl, S. Kondoh, S. Kumara, G. Reinhart, O. Sauer, W. Sihn, K. Ueda.
For 2017 two proposals were presented:
• “Social science perspective of manufacturing” (T. Kaihara, N. Nishino, K. Ueda, M. Tseng, J. Vancza, …)
• “Learning Factories for future oriented research and education in manufacturing” (E. Abele, G. Chryssolouris, W. Sihn, J. Metternich, …)

During the GA in Nantes, the audience supported both proposals and asked to find a way to accept both of them. The decision will be done in February 2015. L. Monostori suggested a shift of the social science approach to the GA that will be held in Japan in 2018 with respect to the CWG on Learning Factories which will end in August 2016.

Paper Presentations and Technical Reports

During the STC O Paper Session at the General Assembly in Nantes, France, one keynote paper (by T. Tolio) and 18 session papers were presented and discussed.
At the two STC O Meetings in 2014, a total of 17 technical presentations (7 in January, and 10 in August) were delivered and discussed.

Corporate Members' Activities and Issues

During the Paris January Meeting and the GA in August, STC O Vice-Chairman J. Vancza reported on the CMAG meetings and the aim of CIRP to encourage paper presentations is collaboration between Corporate Members and Members.

Election of STC O officers

There were no elections in 2014.