CIRP Annals
How and When to submit a paper to CIRP Annals
Paper submission to the CIRP Annals is reserved to CIRP Members, but Corporate Members, Research Affiliates and Invited Members need to be sponsored by a Fellow (Honorary and Emeritus included) or co-authored by a Fellow or Associate member. CIRP Fellows (Honorary and Emeritus included) may sponsor a non-member. See the Guidelines here under.
Each year CIRP publishes the CIRP Annals, the world's leading journal of production engineering research.
This biannual ISI cited journal contains around 120 to 140 refereed technical papers in Volume 1, and about 10-12 keynote papers in Volume 2 (state-of-the-art papers, often written by joint authors, which summarize the technical and scientific aspects of particular areas of manufacturing).
Search any publication(s) in the CIRP Annals online, by Author, Word in a title, Keyword (only back to 1987), STC (only back to 1971), Year, Volume 1 (Papers), Volume 2 (Keynote Papers).