
Company logo with link to the company website:


Research activities of the company:

Optimisation of dynamic behaviour of machines
and processes.

High-performance product design and development.

ICTs for manufacturing and industrial production

Design, development and improvement of production

Precision, Quality, Reliability and Productivity in
manufacturing processes.

Advanced precision engineering: from micro-manufacturing
to the machining of large parts

Design and support in the accomplishment of innovation

Name(s) of the CIRP Corporate member :

Dr. Jokin Muñoa, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mr. Harkaitz Urreta, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

STC’s of primary interest :

C, M, G and P

Research needs of the company:

Mechatronic solutions for chatter suppression in metal
cutting and grinding.

Optimization of the grinding process.

New solution for an accurate machining of large parts.

Automation of composite parts manufacturing.

Precision design.

Main activities of the company :

As a Technology Centre specialized in manufacturing technologies,
the main activity is to collect and develop new knowledge to respond
to current and future challenges of the manufacturing industry.

Our main objective is to offer advanced solutions to improve the
production capacity and competitiveness of our customers in different sectors

Interest in CIRP coopeerative research on

Any new innovation related machine tools

Other points of interest