Company logo with link to the company website:


Research activities of the company:

Compile and engage in industrial advancements within manufacturing for our members. AMT maintains close relationships with United States university and national labs and has engaged in contractual research relating to advanced manufacturing capabilities with its members or for its member’s benefits.

Name(s) of the CIRP Corporate member :

Tim Shinbara, email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

STC’s of primary interest :


Research needs of the company:


Main activities of the company :

The Association For Manufacturing Technology represents and promotes U.S.-based manufacturing technology and its members—those who design, build, sell, and service the continuously evolving technology that lies at the heart of manufacturing.

Interest in CIRP cooperative research on

Using the MTConnect standard in novel applications for manufacturing equipment, assembly or other value-chain applications within manufacturing.

Other points of interest