IR - App. 9 - Oral Presentation in a Paper Session


If the Chairperson of the Session has not informed you, ask him/her how much time you may use. Plan your presentation so that at least one third of the time is available for discussion.

What audiences want is to have the speaker "tell his/her story briefly in a conversational style". Experience with many successful presentations shows that they should cover:
- a clear statement of the problem dealt with,
- a brief description of the attack, and
- a forceful review of conclusions.
We prefer that the presenter does not read his/her paper.
A set of notes containing the principal points to be brought out is valuable. Such notes should be carefully organized to give the presentation proper continuity. Preferably, the notes should consist of a list of items to be discussed rather than a series of complete sentences. They should present a chain of key-words to the speaker around which he/she can build his/her story. When the speaker must move about the platform to refer to charts or other illustrations, it is convenient to have the notes on small cards that may be held in the palm of the hand.


The Chairperson of Session has the power to stop the oral presentation of a paper if it is not of sufficient quality. The most important parts of a presentation from the standpoint of the audience interest are the introductory and concluding remarks. Know definitely before-hand what you are going to say at the beginning and at the end. Avoid spending too much time in the introduction. State your purpose briefly and directly. Be sure that you allow sufficient time for the proper presentation of your conclusions. Do not let your story "run down" at the end. After your first sentences, you could check whether all the listeners do really understand you.
Listen carefully to the discussion, making notes to help you organize your answer. Your oral reply need not be detailed.


When a public address system with a fixed "mike" is used, keep a constant distance from the mike. Avoid turning your head or walking away. If you want to point to something on the screen or blackboard do so, but return to the mike before you start to speak again. If the mike is portable, move it with you when you leave the rostrum.

PowerPoint presentation

A good slide is worth a thousand words. It should deliver its message in a simple, readable manner. The time allowed for presentation is restricted. Therefore, the presenter must limit him/herself to 10 to 15 slides, with some at hand for discussion.
The time for understanding the message of one slide is not more than one minute, so the slide must be restricted to the showing only the essential part. Generally, illustrations of papers are far too detailed for slides.
Before the session begins, preferably try out your computer connection to the digital projector, and your PowerPoint presentation.
For the General Assemblies, a computer is available in each meeting-room and you can bring your stick only.

To identify the paper properly on possible offprints, the first slide should contain the following information:
1. Logo of CIRP
2. Details about the conference (Name, place, date)
3. Title of the paper (plus link to the paper itself in Science Direct)
4. Author(s)
5. Contact details of the presenting author
Following slides may contain the CIRP logo and/or a logo of the authors' affiliation. An example of the first two slides is given online with the guidelines for authors.

Attendants of the meetings are not allowed to take photographs of the presentations’ screens during the meetings.