IR - Art.15 - STCs: Elections of STC Officers

Extract from Article 15 -  STCs: Elections of STC Officers


The decision to form a new STC must be made at a General Assembly meeting, upon the recommendation of the Liaison Committee and with the approval of the Council, following a request from a group of Fellows. Its scope and terms of reference will be defined at that time.

The Chairperson of each STC shall be elected by the Academy at the General Assembly meeting upon the approval of the Council and the recommendation of the relevant STC. A Chairperson shall be appointed for a period of three years and shall not normally be eligible immediately for re-election; however, in exceptional cases, the Chairperson may be re-elected for a period of one additional year. Each committee shall elect one Vice Chair and also a Secretary. They should be Fellows or Associate Members.

Procedure for the Election of STC Vice Chairs and Secretaries and recommendation of Chair to the Council

- Election of STC Vice Chairs and Secretaries and recommendation of Chair to the Council will be via an electronic ballot.

- The electorate for STCs holding a ballot in a given year will be generated by STCs officers. The Secretary of each STC will keep and update the records of the presence list and provide the CIRP Office with the electorate by March 30th of the year of election. The electorate for a STC is those CIRP members, including Corporate Members who are recorded on the attendance record as having participated in at least 3 of that STC’s meetings during the 3 years preceding the year of the election. All candidates should be members of the electorate. 

(CIRP Research Affiliates and Guests do not belong to the electorate, and if they became members in the meantime, they should not be taken into account as part of the electorate during the years they were not yet members).

- At the STC Winter Meeting in the year elections are due, the STC Chair shall announce the forthcoming election and ask for candidatures to be submitted electronically to CIRP Office by March 30th with STC Chair in cc.

- The STC Chair will also send by e-mail a call for candidatures in early March. The STC Chair must, and the Vice Chair may, independently propose candidates for each of the positions. The STC Chair may propose as candidate the current Secretary as Vice Chair and the current Vice Chair for Chair.

STC Secretary candidates must be a Fellow or an Associate Member. There is a preference, but not a requirement, that the Chair be a Fellow.

The candidates, except for the current Secretary and Vice-Chair, should provide the following documents:

i - they must indicate their willingness to stand for election;
ii - they provide the Application Form available online, including a brief resume with a summary of their qualifications and their motivation for the post, to be distributed with the electronic ballot;
iii - they submit a statement of their intent to attend Winter meetings and General Assemblies for the duration of their service.
The information described (i)-(iii) shall be submitted to CIRP Office by March 30th.

- CIRP Office will submit an electronic ballot to the electorate by May 1st with votes due by June 1st.

- Candidates for Secretary and Vice Chair with the largest number of votes cast will be declared elected. The candidate for Chair with the largest number of votes cast will be recommended to the Council for Approval and election by the Academy at the General Assembly. If two candidates receive an identical number of votes, which are greater than any other nominee, the CIRP Council will take a “tie breaking” vote at their meeting on the Sunday at the start of the GA.

The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary of each STC, and its other CIRP Members must be conscious that their work in the Committee is fundamental to the life of CIRP. Each candidate's acceptance of his/her election as a Member implies a willingness to take initiatives and to participate actively in the work of at least one STC and be an observer in others.

Each STC may organize its activities in the way it considers to be the most efficient (please look at the recommendations from the Council). It may organize working groups on the basis of common interests in a particular subject.

Attendants of the meetings are not allowed to take photographs of the presentations’ screens during the meetings.